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Weekend Edition, April 3-4, 2021

The Covid Cancel Culture Quiz Show

Jon Rappoport

My Answer is ‘Yes,’ But Keep Capitalism

Ira Katz

Mask Mandates at Work May Be an Opportunity

Allan Stevo

Killing Old People in Ireland

Kieran Morrissey

The Kremlin Has Allowed the US/Ukraine Attack on Donbass To Go on Far Too Long

Will war be the result? Paul Craig Roberts

Paradigm Failure

James Howard Kunstler

Only the Good Get Canceled

Taki Theodoracopulos

Number of Covid Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS Surpasses 50,000, CDC Data Show

Megan Redshaw

NATO Appoints Turkey To Lead Drive Into the Middle East and Asia

Rick Rozoff

WHO Pushes International Pandemic Treaty — Another Stepping Stone to World Government

Makia Freeman

People Have No Idea What Is Coming

Dr. Mark Sircus

Chicken Little’s Puppet Masters — Fear Destroys Freedom

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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