From ADL Washington, D.C. <[email protected]>
Subject ADL Washington, D.C. Regional Update
Date April 2, 2021 6:08 PM
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ADL Regional update

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ADL, NAACP, LULAC and Other Civil Rights Groups Launch #StopHateForProfit Campaign Targeting Facebook Advertising
In response to Facebook’s repeated failure to meaningfully address the vast proliferation of hate on its platforms, six organizations announced a new campaign, #StopHateforProfit
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, that asks large Facebook advertisers to show they will not support a company that puts profit over safety. ADL, the NAACP, Sleeping Giants, Color Of Change, Free Press, LULAC, National Hispanic Media Coalition (NHMC) and Common Sense have created a coalition of the nation’s most storied civil rights organizations calling for some of the world’s largest corporations to pause advertising on Facebook during the month of July 2020.

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More Than One-Quarter of Americans Experience Severe Online Harassment, ADL Survey Finds
Twenty-eight percent of Americans experienced severe online hate and harassment this year, including sexual harassment, stalking, physical threats, swatting, doxing or sustained harassment, according to a new survey released this week
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by ADL.

“It is by definition difficult to be part of a marginalized group, and that is as true in the online world as it is in the real world,” said Jonathan A. Greenblatt, ADL CEO. “This survey represents a snapshot of a moment in time prior to the coronavirus pandemic and the death of George Floyd, and we believe that if the same survey were conducted today even more people might report negative online experiences. Severe online harassment was a significant problem before, and in our current climate, it’s even more important for platforms and policymakers to take action.”

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LGBTQ+ Employment Rights, DACA, and the Way Forward: What Last Week’s Supreme Court Rulings Mean
Last week brought two major civil rights victories from the Supreme Court -- two bright lights even as protests for racial justice continue
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, healthcare for transgender people is undermined
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, and asylum law and process is under attack
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. As an organization that has long fought for civil rights, including for LGBTQ+
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 people and immigrants’ rights
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Photo courtesy of Nicole Munchel for The Baltimore / Capital Gazette

Systemic Racism and Microaggressions: 13 Anne Arundel Students Talk about Discrimination
In a two-hour panel discussion last week, Anne Arundel County students shared deeply personal experiences of facing systemic racism, microaggressions and other issues as the country, and the county, reckon with the impact of such societal problems.

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NC Governor Orders Confederate Monuments Removed at Capitol After Statues Toppled
Governor Roy Cooper ordered three Confederate monuments removed from the state Capitol grounds to protect public safety, he said in a statement, less than 24 hours after protesters pulled down two bronze soldiers from the 75-foot Confederate monument at the Capitol.

“Monuments to white supremacy don’t belong in places of allegiance, and it’s past time that these painful memorials be moved in a legal, safe way,” Cooper said.

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Discussing Race and Racism with Young People
Last week, The Mid-Atlantic/Midwest Education Division hosted a webinar on how to discuss race and racism with young people on Tuesday, June 16th. Bill Hicks, Associate Education Director, Chicago and Michelle Magner, Assistant Education Director, DC led the webinar. Click here
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to access a recording to learn more about how to have these discussions with your family. Access Password for the recording is "3B%5xi@6."

Watch here
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Teaching Antisemitism and Terrorism in Hezbollah Schools
Despite the extensive attention already paid to intolerant textbooks and other educational materials in many Middle Eastern countries, comparatively little analysis has been conducted on the ideological materials used to indoctrinate children in schools linked to the notorious terrorist organization Hezbollah. An ADL report released this week seeks to address that important gap, documenting the systematic and egregious incitement to antisemitism and support for terrorism that is propagated in numerous such educational institutions inside Lebanon.

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Fighting Hate From Home Webinar Review: Fighting Racism as a Multiracial Jewish Community 
In this week's webinar
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, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt was joined by Ilana Kaufman, Executive Director of the Jews of Color Field Building Initiative, Gamal Palmer, Schusterman Fellow 2019 and Ginna Green, political consultant and strategist to discuss the role of Jewish leaders, institutions, and communities in serving and supporting our entire multiracial community, and what that means in particular for Black community members.

learn more and register for upcoming webinars
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Thank You Helpers - Send a Message of Support to Our Brave Frontline
While ADL keeps the fight against antisemitism, bigotry and hate going amid this pandemic, we are beyond grateful to our brave heroes on the frontlines around the world keeping us safe and fighting the coronavirus.

Please join ADL in showing these individuals our gratitude and support. Click here to share your message of thanks and appreciation for the COVID-19 frontline workers
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, including but not limited to: community service workers, first responders, healthcare workers, law enforcement officials, scientists, and all other essential service workers and helpers assisting our communities.

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