From PPI Progress Report <[email protected]>
Subject Jobs, jobs, jobs!
Date April 2, 2021 5:57 PM
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PLUS: The EU contemplates AI regulations, Biden gets it right on workforce development, and PPI's climate guy is in the news.

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** Just In: Is Tech-Ecommerce the New Manufacturing?

New today from PPI's Chief Economist Michael Mandel is a report on the job growth in the innovative tech-ecommerce sector. Since 2016, the tech-ecommerce market ecosystem has created a net gain of 1.2 million jobs, based on Mandel's analysis of BLS data. Other key findings from the report include sector wages that are 44% higher than average private sector pay and 21% higher than average manufacturing pay, and evidence that the job growth is expanding into non-coastal "innovation hotspots." Read the report
→ Innovative Job Growth in the 21st Century: Has the Tech-Ecommerce Ecosystem Become the New Manufacturing? ([link removed])
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** ☑New From The Experts

** > AI 4 EU
The European Union wants to be on the forefront of Artificial intelligence (AI) regulation, a laudable initiative, but one that requires careful evaluation of the tradeoffs between regulation and progress. PPI's Director of Innovation Policy Caleb Watney weighs the options and puts forward policy considerations for the EU's leaders looking to achieve a balance. → Encouraging AI Adoption by EU SMEs ([link removed])

** > Mexico's Growing App Economy
A new report from PPI's economists Michael Mandel and Elliott Long found that Mexico's App Economy grew by 11 percent from 2019 to 2020, despite the economy overall being hit hard by the pandemic. This latest publication feeds into a body of work from Mandel and Long that explores the App Economy as an especially recession-resistant, growing source of job growth across the globe. → Mexico's App Economy in 2020 ([link removed])

> Strategic Vaccine Diplomacy
The U.S. has 27% of the world's total vaccine supply, and so far isn't sharing any of it. Meanwhile, Russia and China have gone out of their way to share vaccine supply with the rest of the world. Arielle Kane and Paul Weinstein Jr. team up to make the case for vaccine diplomacy in a new op-ed. → "How about some smart vaccine diplomacy, President Biden?" ([link removed]) by Arielle Kane and Paul Weinstein Jr., New York Daily News

> R&D Booster Shot
America made its reputation in the 20th century as a leader in R&D, but our hold on that title has been shaken in recent years. Biden has begun to push a $2 trillion infrastructure bill –– legislation Ben Ritz says can help reverse the decline in American R&D.
→ "Biden Infrastructure Plan Should Boost R&D," ([link removed]) by Ben Ritz, Forbes

> Infrastructure Week, Redux
The Biden Administration released its American Jobs Plan this week, and there's a lot to celebrate. PPI Social Policy Director Veronica Goodman writes that the AJP shines in its policies for workforce development, and outlines five key policy points in her latest piece. → "Five Ways the Americans Jobs Plan Gets Workforce Development Right," ([link removed]) by Veronica Goodman, Medium

> & That's a Wrap
The Mosaic Economic Project hosted its second Women Changing Policy Workshop this week, and welcomed special guest Congresswoman Madeleine Dean as the keynote speaker on Tuesday, March 30th. Congratulations to the 12 new members of the Mosaic Network, a group of women dedicated to growing the influence of women in the policy arena. → Announcement: Women Changing Policy Workshop ([link removed][UNIQID])
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🔥Hot Off the Press

> Climate Catch-Up
PPI's lead climate expert Paul Bledsoe has been busy with Joe Biden's announcement of the climate-focused infrastructure bill. Get his insight with the latest reporting featuring his take on climate policy news:

→ "Biden’s About to Unveil the Biggest Climate Spending Plan in US History," ([link removed]) by Greg Walters, Vice
→ "Biden unveils $2T American Jobs Plan to boost infrastructure," ([link removed]) by Ben Piven, Al Jazeera
→ "Here’s how Biden’s infrastructure package will likely tackle climate change," ([link removed]) by Emma Newburger, CNBC
→ "'The world is watching.' Biden's climate push starts now," ([link removed]) by Adam Aton, E&E News

> Privacy Policy
In a new clip from Lexology, a platform devoted to sharing global legal insights and analysis, PPI is highlighted for its support of the Information Transparency and Personal Data Control Act. Read up for insight on this important piece of legislation proposed by Rep. Suzanne DelBene (D - Wash). → "Information Transparency and Personal Data Control Act Introduced in Congress," ([link removed]) by Greenberg Traurig LLC
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