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We're losing Canada

Dear John

Seventy-seven years ago 19-year-old Canadian boys were jumping out of aircraft over France while being shot at by German artillery. Today 40-year-old Canadian 'men' cower in their basement watching CBC, terrified they'll catch a heavy cold.

In less than two generations we've gone from sacrificing everything to maintain our personal, economic and religious freedoms, to giving away our freedoms for the false promise of 'safety' and 'protection' from something Justin Trudeau can neither save us nor protect us from.

What a sad, sad state of affairs.

Yesterday we learned again that Doug Ford doesn't care how low the case count is in Northern Ontario. Doug Ford doesn't care how well you followed his arbitrary and unscientific rules. Doug Ford doesn't care if you have 1 or 1,000 cases of covid-19 in your area. If Toronto is having a problem, then EVERYONE has a problem.

Meanwhile, Justin Trudeau doesn't care if you have a negative covid test when you board a plane. Or when you deplane. He's going to send you to a hotel for three days because, hey, why not? But if you actually have covid and you're on a plane from Haiti to Montreal, come on in!

And in Nipissing district, the Chief Medical Officer of Health decrees that snowmobiling – snowmobiling! - and alpine skiing, and outdoor skating... these are VERY DANGEROUS activities and must be restricted. But when faced with an actual real case of covid in an apartment building he doesn't inform the other residents for eight days. Result? Three deaths. Will anyone be held accountable for this?

In one sense though, Trudeau, Ford and the rest of them aren't the problem. They are a symptom of the problem.

The problem is the media and the political process is controlled by the other side. By leftists. By champagne socialists. By globalist elitists. They've worked hard to infiltrate schools, institutions, and political parties. How were they able to beat us at this game? Maybe because we've been at work all day. Maybe because we've been spending time with our families, with our churches, with our neighbours and our community. Whatever the reason, the Left has been tirelessly working for 50 years to change Canadian society, and they're on the verge of winning completely.

I don't think it is an exaggeration to say time is running out. It is an open question as to what the future holds for Canada. Can Canada become a great nation again? Will we stand proudly on the world stage as a beacon of freedom and prosperity? Will we be a land that people aspire to be part of, rather than flee from?

Provincially, all four political parties at Queen's Park are part of the globalist cabal. At the federal level, neither the Conservatives nor the NDP will hold Justin Trudeau to account for his attack on the constitution and our rights. Only Maxime Bernier and the PPC are speaking out for our freedoms and for common sense. For an end to the absurd cycle of lockdowns and pointless regulations.

Only Maxime Bernier and the PPC are rising to the defence of the Canada you and I love.

Here in Nipissing-Timiskaming we are part of the fight.

We intend to run a candidate in the next election who will speak for YOU. A candidate who will call out the unscientific, arrogant, power-grabbing attacks we have been subject to over the last year. A candidate who will give voters a real choice in the voting booth.

Yes, I'm going to ask you for money. Because money is what we will use to get our message out and reach the thousands of disenfranchised voters who are sick and tired of this government.

So if you can help us in the fight, please click here to make a donation online, or mail a cheque payable to Nipissing-Timiskaming PPC Association to the address at the end of this letter.

One other way you can help us is by being part of our Research Team. Once we have a candidate, he or she is going to need help preparing for the next election. If you're able to provide expertise on an area of policy, or if you're handy looking up facts on the internet, we could sure use your assistance. Just reply to this email and we'll add you to the team.

Thank you for taking the time to read this long-winded rant. I hope you will join with us in the fight to win Canada back from Doug Ford, Justin Trudeau and the rest of the leftist gang trying to destroy it.


Craig Dellandrea
Nipissing-Timiskaming PPC EDA

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