Wall Street Journal: Schools offer empty words to Asians

The national dialogue has rightly focused on laws and policies that discriminate against Asians. But the problem has been brewing for years in school districts across the country.

Wencong Fa writes about the alarming trend of instituting discriminatory admissions policies aimed at limiting the number of Asian-American students and how PLF is helping parents and students fight back.

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The New York Times accidentally praises PLF’s advocacy for property rights

New York Times columnists might not agree with PLF’s position on a lot of issues—especially our unapologetic defense of property rights. But when covering our current U.S. Supreme Court case Cedar Point Nursery v. Hassid, The Times gives a (likely unintended) glowing review of our strategy to advance property rights.

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Momentum is building against the CDC eviction ban

In early September, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention banned landlords from evicting tenants due to nonpayment. To be sure, many tenants are suffering from the economic fallout of the shutdowns, but landlords are struggling as well. Fortunately, the tide has begun to turn in the legal battle over the CDC’s moratorium on evictions.

Ethan Blevins writes about the CDC’s largest setback yet: a sharp Appeals Court rebuke that allows some landlords to exercise their fundamental property rights once again.

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The Hill: Property rights are fundamental to a free society—and to conservation

Property rights are the foundation of a free society. That’s why the U.S. Constitution and every state constitution explicitly protects our rights to own, use, and sell property. Yet, government officials frequently seek to violate these rights.

Jonathan Wood discusses a new bill in Montana that would bar nonprofit organizations from purchasing land from willing sellers at a fair price.

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