
The For the People Act would strike at the heart of dysfunction plaguing our democracy. If passed, this federal bill would protect and expand voting rights, get big money out of politics, end gerrymandering, and increase transparency and accountability in our government.

And these reforms are more urgent now than ever before. Right now, state legislators in 43 states have introduced restrictive new bills that would suppress the votes of people of color, young people, and lower-income people. After record voter turnout in the last election, we cannot let politicians silence our voices.

The For the People Act could come up for a vote in the U.S. Senate in a matter of weeks. So it’s up to us to voice our support.

That’s why we’re inviting you to join our For the People Week of Action during the next Congressional Recess (April 5th - April 9th) to push for a swift vote and passage in the Senate.

ACT NOW by setting up a virtual lobby meeting with your Senate office! One of the most impactful ways to show support for an issue is to request and directly meet with your Senators. We’ll provide a toolkit full of tips for how to successfully schedule and organize a meeting. Senators consider requests for meetings a measure of public interest in the For the People Act. Sign up now and an organizer will follow up with you. 

In order to build the momentum needed to get this bill passed, we need your help to set up events and lobby visits now.

Together, we can create a democracy that represents, reflects & responds to we, the people.

Thanks for everything you do,

Alexandra Flores-Quilty

Campaign Director, Free Speech For People

Paid for and authorized by Free Speech For People
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