Dear John,
It’s bad enough that most of these birds spend their entire lives crammed together in filthy warehouses or stuffed into wire cages so small they can barely move. It’s even worse that they are made to endure even more suffering and terror when it comes time for slaughter.
By excluding birds classified as poultry from the protections of the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act and refusing to establish humane handling regulations under the Poultry Products Inspection Act, the USDA is condemning them to painful, gruesome deaths at the slaughterhouse that would be illegal if the victims were dogs, cats, or other farm animals.
Farm Sanctuary is leading the fight for long-overdue protections for farm birds—from birth until death. But with nearly half a million chickens and turkeys being boiled alive while fully conscious every year, we need your support to keep the pressure on.
John, please be the rescuer, caregiver, and advocate these birds need—and help protect all suffering and vulnerable farm animals—by joining Farm Sanctuary today.
Farm Sanctuary has rescued thousands of abused and abandoned farm animals, including birds like: Tilly, a “broiler” chicken born with a cross beak who was likely dumped because she needed specialized care; Morty, a baby rooster who came to us with damage to his lungs and spine from an untreated infection; and Tutu, a charismatic turkey rescued from being butchered for someone’s holiday meal.
Thanks to caring friends like you, we have given all of these animals, and so many others, a permanent home at our Sanctuaries. In stark contrast to the farming industry, we treat each of them as our friends, not faceless commodities, and provide them with all the love and support they deserve.
We are so grateful for every bird we have rescued and given a chance to experience the peace and freedom of Sanctuary. But with literally billions of chickens, turkeys, and ducks suffering in U.S. farms and slaughterhouses every year, we have to do more.
When you become a Farm Sanctuary member with a generous gift today, you will help us push the USDA to stop putting the lives of farm birds in the hands of an industry that cares so little about their welfare.
As a small “thank you” for your commitment to farm animals, you will receive exclusive benefits, including:
- A FREE subscription to our member magazine.
- OPPORTUNITIES to take action and speak out for farm animals.
- SPECIAL ALERTS with breaking news about legislation regarding farm animals, updates on urgent rescues, and more.
But, as an animal lover, you’ll find that the greatest benefit of your Farm Sanctuary membership is knowing that you are helping us rescue farm animals from life-threatening cruelty and neglect. You also help provide them with loving, lifelong care at our shelters, and help us keep fighting for a more just and compassionate food system through our advocacy and humane education programs.
Please help us rescue more animals like Tilly, Morty, and Tutu and speak out against the inhumane treatment of ALL farm animals by joining the Farm Sanctuary family today.
On behalf of every animal who is safe and loved at Farm Sanctuary today, and every animal who is still waiting for our help, thank you in advance for your support.
Yours for farm animals,
Gene Baur President and Co-founder
P.S. If you see a farm animal in crisis, please contact Farm Sanctuary immediately at 607-583-2225 extension 223. Your call could save an animal’s life! Your gift can help save lives, too. Please join today.