Join us for a Briefing on April 8: "Uncovering the Evidence of Child Exploitation, Sex Trafficking, and Non-consensual Content on Pornhub"

On March 15, 2021, over 70 Canadian Senators and MPs called on the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to initiate a full investigation into MindGeek. It is time the U.S. does the same.

Experts and survivors will provide a concise overview of evidence related to the criminal behavior of MindGeek, the corporate owner or Pornhub, on April 8, 2:00–3:30pm ET.

VICTORY! Instagram taking more steps toward teen safety

Instagram has continued to adopt recommendations made by the National Center on Sexual Exploitation and our #WakeUpInstagram campaign allies to improve the safety of its youngest users: most specifically around direct messaging—a primary tool used by predators for grooming minors

Two weeks ago, our contacts at Instagram shared several additional changes they’re making to enhance teen safety.

Myriad Survivors Reveal Years of Hidden Institutional Abuse at Kanukuk Kamps

One of America's largest Christian camps, Kanakuk Kamp, enabled horrific sexual abuse for decades.

Justice for survivors, accountability, and prevention of further abuse cannot happen if we stay silent.

All organizations that work with youth in any capacity have an ethical responsibility to proactively work to prevent grooming, exploitation, and sexual abuse.

Institutional abuse and exploitation should never be swept under the rug. Until organizations, corporations, and institutions are held accountable for their complicity in the sexual exploitation and trauma of countless men, women, and children that has been ignored and facilitated on their watch, full justice will not be served.

Virtual Symposium: Strategies for Preventing and Healing Child Sexual Abuse (April 8–10)

An interreligious and interdisciplinary symposium hosted by Harvard University and Catholic University with NCOSE as a partner. This symposium is a marquee event for the World Day for Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, Healing and Justice which occurs on April 8.

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