When my friend Saumya emailed you a couple of weeks ago, he promised we’d keep you updated on the new ad we’re preparing to run in key states to gain support from enough senators to pass the For the People Act. Well, our team just finished putting the ad together and Saumya told me he wanted you to be first to see it, John. Take a look at the new ad below.
The message we wanted to make clear in our new ad is that the For the People Act is popular across the political spectrum. In fact, it’s been popular among Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. But last time a previous version of this bill went to the Senate, it never even reached the floor for a vote. We believe direct outreach to voters will be essential and will make the difference in this bill. The All On The Line team is executing a campaign designed to reach just the types of voters who we think could be influential in shoring up support with enough key senators to ensure this legislation becomes law.
This work may be expensive -- but it’s crucial. Our campaign could make the difference between this bill becoming law or failing like it did in the last Congress. Will you pitch in -- whatever you can -- to help keep this campaign running? Let’s go pass this bill, Jake All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.