Hi Friend,

You’re invited to our next #IWFReads Author Chat event with Ayaan Hirsi Ali on April 22 at 1:00 p.m. ET. 
We will be discussing Ayaan’s newest book, Prey: Immigration, Islam, and the Erosion of Women's Rights.

Ayaan has a remarkable personal story. That’s why in 2014, Independent Women’s Forum honored her with our “Woman of Valor” award. 

As the book description says: 
“As a child in Somalia, she suffered female genital mutilation; as a young girl in Saudi Arabia, she was made to feel acutely aware of her own vulnerability. Immigration, she argues, requires integration and assimilation. She wants Europeans to reform their broken system—and for Americans to learn from European mistakes.”
The virtual Author Chat will touch on the:
  • Failed immigration system in Europe and change in culture
  • Rise in domestic violence, sexual violence, and harassment in Europe linked to increase in immigration
  • Cancel culture
Don’t miss this riveting discussion. 

Sign up for the Author Chat and grab a copy of Ayaan’s book today.
Reserve Your Spot
Amber Schwartz