From Gary Bauer <>
Subject End of Day - 4-1-2021 - The Totalitarian Left, Baseball & The Border, Biden's Boondoggle
Date April 1, 2021 8:50 PM
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Plus, Booming Growth Thursday, April 1, 2021 To: Friends & Supporters From: Gary Bauer The Totalitarian Left Reverend Patrick Mahoney, of the Christian Defense Coalition, has been working in Washington, D.C., for 30 years. Over that time, he has held many events on Capitol Hill, including prayer vigils on Good Friday. But Rev. Mahoney's permit to hold a Good Friday prayer vigil on Capitol Hill tomorrow was denied. So, he's suing Speaker Pelosi and Vice President Harris in her capacity as president of the Senate. Why was his permit denied? The Capitol is not closed. Members of Congress have been showing up for work and casting votes regularly. You can make appointments to see members and visit the leadership in their Capitol Hill offices. Do they really think Rev. Mahoney is a security threat? There's absolutely no security risk at all. Besides, Congress is out of session for two weeks! But using January 6th as the excuse, the only thing being banned is the First Amendment – the freedom of assembly and the freedom of religion. And that's very telling. This is what the left does wherever it gets control. If you live in a left-wing state, you had a more difficult time practicing your faith and peaceably assembling during the entire pandemic. If you lived in a conservative state, you had greater opportunities to exercise your faith and express your views. The left has a totalitarian impulse, and we see it every time the left controls the levers of power. Here's another example: The intolerant radicals pushing critical race theory in the Virginia public schools are demanding that every school teacher toe the line or be fired. So much for free speech and academic freedom! Baseball & The Border For over a year now, Joe Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci have never hesitated to tell Americans what we can and cannot do. If you confront them, even though they have frequently been wrong, they simply say, "You have to follow the science." The president of the United States, who still has not found time to go to the southern border, insisted this week that the Texas Rangers were making "a mistake" by allowing full attendance at their opening baseball game. Biden even quoted Dr. Fauci, saying, "They should listen to Dr. Fauci, the scientists and the experts. But I think it's not responsible." Well, there's no science to show that COVID spreads easily outdoors. Remember the Missouri pool party that caused a complete media meltdown last year? Cellphone data was used to track the attendees due to concerns about the party being a COVID superspreader event. It wasn't because it was an outdoor event. But it's telling that the really big thing happening in Texas right now isn't opening day of baseball season, but the opening of our southern border. Dr. Fauci has commented on virtually everything, including the number of masks we should wear. But he can't find his voice on the COVID superspreading venues Joe Biden is opening up all along the border as tens of thousands of people are entering the country. They're not coming to watch a baseball game, but they're being crammed into facilities with poor ventilation that are operating at 1,500% capacity. The American people deserve to know where these mostly illegal migrants are being delivered, and whether any COVID spikes develop in their communities. But I seriously doubt the Biden Administration is tracking that data. By the way, Joe Biden chose opening day to politicize baseball by joining calls to move the All-Star Game out of Georgia because officials there chose to protect the integrity of future elections. Biden's Boondoggle President Biden unveiled his $2 trillion infrastructure bill yesterday. Just like the so-called "COVID relief bill," there's a lot in the infrastructure bill that has nothing to do with roads and bridges. As the Wall Street Journal notes, it's mostly "subsidies for green energy and payouts to unions for the jobs his climate regulation will kill. This is really a plan to build government back bigger than it has ever been." That said, this bill will be hard to stop. Senate Majority Leader Schumer is vowing to use the reconciliation process again to jam it through on a purely partisan vote. Moreover, the American people overwhelmingly want to improve infrastructure. Every poll shows that. They want good roads, safe bridges and modern airports. That's what everybody means by "infrastructure." And if that's what Biden really wanted to do, he would get overwhelming support. Instead, he's proposing a huge tax increase on American business, which set off celebrations in Beijing, Moscow and Tehran. As surely as night follows day, these tax increases will lead to job losses and send American businesses searching for more friendly places to invest. The corporate tax rate Joe Biden is proposing to pay for this putrid bill is higher than communist China's! Booming Growth There's a lot of encouraging news for the economy, and many economists are predicting booming growth in the weeks and months ahead. In fact, it is possible that tomorrow the Labor Department will report a tremendous number of new jobs, perhaps as many as one million, were created last month. Unlike the left, which bemoaned and belittled every good economic report under Donald Trump, conservatives will celebrate this news because we love our country and we care about working men and women. But I want to be clear: There is nothing that Joe Biden did between January 20th and April 2nd that explains whatever job numbers are reported tomorrow. The reason we will likely see months of tremendous job growth is because we are finally beginning to reopen the economy. In response to COVID, the American left forced a complete shutdown in much of the country, tremendously suppressing economic activity. The more left-wing a state's governor was, the more severe the shutdown was. They did it in the name of COVID, but it destroyed the Trump recovery. But the tremendous pent-up demand that was created over the course of the past year is now being unleashed because the Trump vaccines were developed in record time and American consumers are now being freed from their lockdowns. That unleashed demand is going to create an economic miracle. And, predictably, the media will rush to give Joe Biden all the credit. But we know the truth. Biden's Gaffe No, this item isn't about Joe, but First Lady Jill Biden. Dr. Jill Biden was in California yesterday, addressing a group of farm workers on Cesar Chavez Day. For those who may not know, Chavez was a labor activist who founded the United Farm Workers of America. Dr. Biden attempted to repeat Chavez's famous slogan, "Si se puede," which means "Yes we can." Unfortunately, she said something like, "Si se pwaud-way," which doesn't mean anything. Something else attracted some attention too. It appeared as though Dr. Biden was standing in front of a large flag featuring the Nazi eagle. Is Dr. Jill Biden a Nazi? Of course not. The flag is the symbol of the United Farm Workers of America, and Chavez's brother, Richard, designed the flag using the Aztec eagle. But if Donald Trump or Mike Pence had spoken in front of a flag like that, every left-wing commentator would have set their hair on fire. Remember how USA Today's factcheckers embarrassed themselves over some Trump T-shirts? By the way, in addition to Cesar Chavez's slogan, there's something else about him that the Bidens have seemingly forgotten: He was a staunch opponent of illegal immigration! Other News Tennessee joined Arkansas and Mississippi in protecting women's sports. Montana banned sanctuary cities. The Yale professor who declared that President Trump was insane has been fired. A Christian professor who refused to deny biological reality won a big legal victory. The Supreme Court agreed to hear an appeal by Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron defending the state's ban on dismemberment abortions. MAKE YOUR TAX DEDUCTIBLE CONTRIBUTION NOW As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, donations to American Values are tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions may be mailed to the following address: American Values PO Box 1223 Merrifield, VA 22116-1223 Phone: 703-671-9700 SIGN UP FOR GARY BAUER'S "END OF DAY REPORT"  VISIT END OF DAY ARCHIVES EMAIL GARY BAUER FOLLOW GARY ON PARLER American Values | ‌ ‌ American Values | PO Box 1223, Merrifield, VA 22116-1223 Unsubscribe Update Profile | Customer Contact Data Notice Sent by
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