John, Georgia is just the beginning.
Last week, Georgia passed an outrageous anti-voter law — and your state could be next. In 43 states, politicians are pushing more than 250 laws that would damage democracy and entrench their own power. We can stop this widespread assault on our democracy by passing the For the People Act.
John, it’s time to get outraged. If we let Georgia politicians get away with this anti-democratic power grab, politicians across America will ram through their own bills, taking power away from the voters. With everyone’s eyes on Georgia, now is the time to show the country that we will save our democracy and stop these attacks by passing the For the People Act.
We need as many Americans as possible to know: What happened in Georgia could happen in your state too — and passing the For the People Act is the best way to fight back. Share the message on Twitter now.

These 250+ laws are dangerous to our democracy. They restrict our right to vote and hurt Americans across the political spectrum. But instead of fighting this battle on 250 fronts, we can funnel all our energy into one impactful, long-term solution. Not only will the For the People Act put a stop to this assault on our freedom to vote, it’ll stop billionaires from buying our elections, end gerrymandering, and so much more.
Can you send a quick tweet to your friends and families to spread this message and urge Americans to support the For the People Act?
Politicians and reporters pay attention to Twitter, so if we can flood the platform with this vital message, we not only activate more people in this fight, but we show lawmakers that Americans demand action. Use this click-to-tweet tool to send this vital message to your friends and family on Twitter in less than 30 seconds.
If we lose this chance, we may not get another one for decades. The shameful Georgia law has caught the nation’s attention, but we can use this latest crisis as an opportunity to show Americans how the For the People Act will defend voting, democracy, and a government of, by, and for the people.
Thank you.
Jen Johnson Movement Director RepresentUs
P.S. Not on Twitter? Spread the word and encourage your friends to take action by sharing this petition over email, text, or on any social media platform you like.  |