Next week, we’re going to flood the Senate phone lines with support for the PRO Act. Working people of America have waited long enough for labor laws that protect our right to form and join unions.
Build back better with unions, AFL-CIO

Bottom Line Upfront

April 8 is a national day of action for the PRO Act. Spread the word and get ready to call your senators.

Hi John,


Mark your calendars! On April 8, we’re going to flood the Senate phone lines with support for the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.


Many of you have already contacted your lawmakers about this, and we thank you. We’re almost there. If we can get this passed, working people’s rights will be protected for generations to come.


We put some information below to explain why we need the PRO Act and what the current status is.


We’ll also have a panel that talks about how the PRO Act helps women who work.


See you on April 8.


In Solidarity, 



Why do we need the PRO Act?

Our outdated labor laws are no longer strong enough to protect us in the workplace.


High-profile corporations openly union-bust without facing consequences. Anti-worker lawmakers have passed divisive and racist “right to work” laws in 27 states. Inequality has skyrocketed without unions to fight back.


The PRO Act would change that.


Where is the bill now?

It passed the House on March 9 with bipartisan support. President Biden has called on Congress to send it to his desk. The Senate is the final obstacle, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the PRO Act will get a floor vote if 50 senators co-sponsor it.


Let’s show the Senate that people are pro-union across the country and across party lines. 



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