
Dear John,
Join us on Thursday, April 8 for a webinar discussing Plastics: The Last Straw for Big Oil?, a report addressing the risks of overinvestment in plastics infrastructure. We will provide a brief overview of the report and hear from
subject matter experts on the issues of stranded assets, climate risks, environmental justice, community health, plastic waste, and corporate commitments.
This report informs investors about the expansive risks facing Big Oil’s big bet on plastics – including stranded assets, climate change impacts, plastic pollution of land and oceans, community health impacts, the greenwashing of “circular” solutions, and a loss of social license to operate. In a decarbonizing world, companies who do not adequately prepare for the clean energy transition face systemic decline. Investors need transparent disclosure about company investments into petrochemicals – especially plastics – and how companies are addressing the risks and momentum against fossil-based plastics and climate change.
Plastics: The Last Straw for Big Oil? An Investor Brief on the Risks of Overinvestment in Petrochemicals Webinar
Thursday, April 8, 9a.m. PT / 12 p.m. ET
Best Regards,
Plastics: The Last Straw for Big Oil team
Lila Holzman, Senior Energy Program Manager at As You Sow
Joshua Romo, Energy & Plastics Fellow at As You Sow
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