Member of Parliament for Erewash
Today’s E-News provides the latest information on the pandemic and community testing, along with details of how the Government is supporting our high streets as they reopen and full details of the latest public consultation on Erewash Borough Council's Core Strategy. Please scroll down to make sure you don’t miss any of this important information.

As proceed cautiously from lockdown and with the Easter Bank Holiday approaching, I wanted to write to thank you for your efforts in suppressing the virus over recent months, as well as to make a simple plea - let’s not take our eye of the ball and blow it now.

It is vital that we all remain vigilant over the coming days and weeks, by keeping to the rule of six or two households outdoors, rejecting the temptation to bend, stretch or break the current rules and by remembering the key message of HANDS, FACE, SPACE AND FRESH AIR when meeting others.

Community testing continues to be a key weapon in our fight against the virus and, following discussions with Derbyshire’s Director of Public Health, I have secured a pop-up COVID testing centre in Ilkeston from Monday 29th March to Friday 23rd April.

This is open to all residents who are not displaying symptoms of Coronavirus between 9AM AND 5PM MONDAY TO FRIDAY, and will be based at the EMH GROUP CAR PARK, LONGFIELD HOUSE, HALLAM FIELDS ROAD, ILKESTON, DE7 4BR. There is no booking is required, so just turn up at a time convenient to you.

The pop-up is in addition to the testing centres at West Park Leisure Centre, Long Eaton and Wilmot Street Centre, Heanor, which are both open 7 days a week from 7.45am to 7pm, and I want to encourage all residents to make use of these facilities.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a happy, safe and peaceful Easter.

High Street Revolution 

The Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, The Rt. Hon. Robert Jenrick MP, has set out some important new measures designed to support our high streets and town centres as they begin to reopen over the coming weeks. 

The last year has been one of the most challenging in living memory and these measures will help to support a safe and successful reopening of our cherished high streets, giving everyone the reassurance that they can shop and socialise in a COVID-secure way.

The financial support includes a new “Welcome Back Fund” and amended planning rules to allow businesses such as pubs and restaurants to serve more customers outdoors.

It builds on the Government’s £407 billion economic support to help businesses that have been affected by COVID-19, including small business grants, the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, targeted tax cuts, and business rates relief.

Erewash Borough Council is set to receive £102,534.00 of the £56 million Welcome Back Fund to help it improve green spaces and provide more outdoor seating areas, markets and food stall pop-ups – giving local people more, safer options to reunite with friends and family this Summer.

Many of our towns across Derbyshire are already benefiting from the Towns Fund and Future High Streets Fund to regenerate town centres and improve high streets, and I am proud to champion the Long Eaton Towns Fund Board’s proposal which has now been submitted to Government for almost £25 million worth of investment. 

A new £4.8 billion Levelling Up Fund will also give every council access to up to £20 million to make their area a more attractive place to visit. I will be working with the Council to put forward proposals to support the regeneration of both Ilkeston and Sandiacre. This is a once in a generation opportunity for local leaders to set out a shared vison for the future, building on our rich heritage, whilst also helping to transform our towns into vibrant, modern communities of tomorrow.

Never has the saying been more appropriate – we either use it or lose it!


Core Strategy Consultation 2021

As your local Member of Parliament, I am frequently contacted by Constituents who are seeking help and advice on a range of local planning issues.

It is a common misconception that MPs have a formal role to play in the planning process, however the decision-making powers on this are devolved to Local Authorities (in our case Erewash Borough Council).

Erewash Borough Council is currently in the process of reviewing its ‘Core Strategy’, a long-term strategic document setting out the Council’s policies on issues such as new housing and regeneration, infrastructure, economic development, our town centres, and green belt protection.

To help to inform this process, the Council has launched a six-week consultation on the revised options for growth, which includes the proposals:

   - NOT to develop land north of Lock Lane, Sawley
   - NOT to develop land east of Cotmanhay Wood
   - To develop additional land south of Kirk Hallam

The consultation is open from MONDAY 29TH MARCH TO MONDAY 10TH MAY 2021 and can be accessed on the Council’s website at and I would urge you to participate.

Personally, I am extremely proud to live and work in Erewash and want to see a fair and balanced Core Strategy which fulfils the needs of our Borough over the next 20 to 30 years in-terms of both good quality, affordable housing and associated infrastructure. I also want to see a clear vision to regenerate our historic market towns and importantly, a continued commitment to protecting our green belt.

At an earlier stage of this process, I put a strong case to Erewash Borough Council for our green belt to be protected and more use made of brownfield sites. Therefore, I am pleased that the Council has changed its mind about using some green belt, but I am disappointed that this has not been the case around Kirk Hallam. I will continue to press my case for the long term protection of green belt around Erewash.


Office Update

In accordance with Government guidance, all of my office staff continue to work from home. But this has not stopped us working to support you - my office can still be contacted by email at [email protected] or by telephoning 0115 930 0521.

Due to the volume of work, I continue to operate a triage system rather than responding in a chronological way. So please do be patient if you are waiting for a response, but I’m sure you’ll understand that there needs to be a priority system in these unprecedented times.


Promoted by Ian F. Gutteridge, on behalf of Maggie Throup MP, both of Unit 2 The Old Co-Op, South Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 5SG.

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