Dear friend,
It's been months since Trump’s DOJ Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) issued a memo that incorrectly said that people released to home confinement under the CARES Act must return to prison after the pandemic. We've used this time to urge the Biden administration to rescind the memo, but it remains on the books. For thousands of families this cloud continues to hang over their heads.
Now it is time to turn up the heat. We need your help to make sure the Biden administration does the right thing — and rescinds the OLC memo.
Today, we're launching the "Keep Them Home" campaign to increase awareness and urge the Biden administration to fix this mess. Our campaign includes a petition, a sign-on letter from supporting organizations, and a national call-in day.
The OLC memo's conclusion is wrong, and enforcing it would devastate families across the country. The majority of people released to home confinement have reunited with children, spouses, and loved ones and are working and contributing to society. None was told that they might have to return to prison. The possibility is disruptive and stressful to all.
Many of you have asked how you can help. You can add your name to this petition in support of FAMM's "Keep Them Home" campaign and urge the Biden administration to rescind the memo and ensure that families stay together:

Kevin Ring
President, FAMM