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Hey John,

Today is the first day of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, a campaign that shines a light on ways we can prevent sexual harassment, assault, and abuse.

This month, as our annual theme, we’re focusing on bringing awareness to how We Can Build Safe Online Spaces. And, as part of the rollout of #SAAM2021, we asked Jennifer S. Hirsch and Shamus Khan, authors of Sexual Citizens, to write about how We Can Build Safe Online Spaces.

Interested in reading the article? You can read the blog post, "Five Offline Strategies to Build 'Sexual Citizenship' Online" here!


This blog sets up some of our goals for this April as we work to participate in SAAM from a distance. Which is why we’re constantly posting new material, organizing online events, and posting on Instagram for the #30DaysofSAAM.

But we want to make sure that everyone is prepared for the month ahead. That means checking your calendars and digging into the material. SAAM is all about creating awareness around sexual assault and what we can do to end it.

So, take a look at our latest blog post and make sure that you’re ready to participate in events and talk to friends and family about why SAAM is so important.

Thank you so much for participating in SAAM and helping us bring awareness across the country!

P.S. No time to read our latest blog post? No problem — just make sure you’re showing your support for SAAM by wearing teal and posting a selfie tagged #SAAM2021 on our Day of Action April 6th!

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National Sexual Violence Resource Center © Apr 1, 2021 10:20:27 AM All rights reserved.
 Founded by the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape
This project is supported by Grant / Cooperative Agreement No. 1UF2CE002359-05 from
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors
and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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