Deliveroo IPO: Why I am not investing in my company

As Deliveroo makes its stock market debut, one rider for the company says he won't be investing - he'll be striking instead

Sweden rejects pioneering solar geoengineering test

Pressure by Saami indigenous people and environmentalists lies behind the decision to halt the controversial test, advocacy groups say

COVID pandemic increased stillbirth and maternal death rates: Lancet

Lockdowns, disruption to maternity services, and fear of attending healthcare facilities all added to pregnancy risks, The Lancet report showed

Young Africans go online to preserve local languages, fight COVID-19

As internet use surges on the continent, projects are working to help Africans find information online in their mother tongues

England rugby proposes height, weight limits for trans women

The Rugby Football Union said it wanted to balance inclusion, fairness and safety in rules that allow transgender women to play women’s rugby

TIMELINE-How transgender rights became the focus of a U.S. culture war

Republicans across the country have introduced a record 127 bills on transgender issues in 22 U.S. states this year

Biden proposal seeks billions of dollars to advance climate change agenda

Biden proposes billion of dollars to advance climate change agenda to decarbonize the U.S. economy via renewable energy by 2050

'Stop it': PNG minister raps Facebook for COVID misinformation, says hurting vaccine plans

Conspiracy theories about COVID-19 and the efficacy of vaccines are so entrenched that even frontline health workers are hesitant to take the shot

Apple to build battery-based solar energy storage project in California

Apple Inc plans to build battery-based solar energy project in California, which could store enough power for more than 7,000 homes for one day

India's digital IDs for land could exclude poor, indigenous communities

India's plans to assign digital identification numbers to plots of land could exclude rural and indigenous people who do not hold titles

Pakistan sends in armed force to stop logging in northern forests

Lacking staff, training and funding, the Gilgit-Baltistan forest department has been unable to stop illegal logging on its own

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