
Did you see Seth’s email from the other day?

He was reaching out after a new story in Politico showed how right-wing megadonors are coming together to fund the effort to wipe out our majorities in the House and Senate, and advance Trump’s toxic “America First” agenda.

It’s pretty scary stuff, John, and if we don’t start building our momentum and resources early in the election cycle, we could lose everything.

That’s why we’re scrambling to hit a big fundraising goal before midnight tonight. Will you chip in $15 or more right now to help us get the rest of the way before we have to release our big quarterly fundraising report?

The first quarter of an election cycle is one of the most important because it’s the first test for our team. It’s an opportunity to show that we have momentum going forward.

We can’t afford to get off to a slow start this year, John. Anything you can do to help us finish the quarter on a high note would be incredibly helpful.

Thanks for all you do,

Team Moulton