I wanted you to hear straight from me why we keep reaching out.
Hey, John.
I realize these emails can start to pile up, but I wanted you to hear straight from me why we keep reaching out:
At midnight tonight, we'll face our first FEC deadline since this race began. And right now, we're *incredibly close* to our goal for this pivotal moment in the campaign.
I know this team has what it takes to get us over the finish line — because you've had my back every step of the way. I can't tell you how unbelievably grateful I am for every bit of support and message of encouragement, John. So, for the very last time before midnight, I need to humbly ask:
Will you donate any amount you can before midnight to help us reach our Q1 goal? We're reallllllly close to a really huge number, and I mean it when I say your contribution could be the one to take us over the edge.
Contribute $5
Thank you, thank you, thank you. 😭 This team is the best in the game.
John Fetterman
Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania
Contribute $5