Children’s Hospital Los Angeles’ Make March Matter campaign ends at midnight tonight—and so does your opportunity to TRIPLE your impact for sick and injured children.
Give $10 or more now to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles’ Children's Fund and every dollar will go 3X—up to $25,000—thanks to a matching gift from the Los Angeles Chargers.

Triple your impact today for kids like Maverick who receive care at our hospital when their local hospitals aren’t equipped to handle their cases. Maverick was born prematurely but passed every test and went home with his family soon after.
But something wasn’t right. His parents noticed that he was sleeping too much and had a hard time gaining weight. Finally, he was diagnosed with renal cystic dysplasia—a condition that caused his kidneys to be undersized and malfunctioning. When the CHLA care team met Maverick he was only a year old, he was in end-stage kidney disease and he needed a transplant.

Maverick beat the odds after receiving his mother’s kidney and is now home thriving alongside his family. Today only, your gift goes 3X as far to help other babies and kids beat the odds too.
This is why I work at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Because we do things here that others can’t do. And we can’t do it without your help.
Make your generous gift to the Children’s Fund before MIDNIGHT tonight to have every dollar TRIPLED for kids like Maverick, thanks to our friends at the Chargers.

Our generous community and compassionate supporters like you make our lifesaving work possible. Thank you for all that you do.
James E. Stein, MD, MSc, FACS, FAAP
Chief Medical Officer Children's Hospital Los Angeles