NRDC Activist, there's just hours left to have your donation go three times as far to support NRDC's hard-hitting campaign to put an end to the uses of toxic neonic pesticides that threaten our vital bees and pollinators, the future of our food supply, and our health.

With you by our side, we'll go toe-to-toe against the big chemical makers that are pushing these bee-toxic pesticides, galvanize the public, battle in court, and defend our environment on all fronts. This may be our best and last chance to stop the chemical assault that's destroying bees and threatening our food supply. Are you with us?

Rush your tax-deductible gift now and it will be TRIPLE matched to have three times the impact up to our $250,000 goal. Join this critical fight now.


Dear NRDC Activist,

Today is the LAST day to support NRDC's campaign to protect critical bees, other pollinators, and the future of our food supply — and to have your gift 3X matched. But our records show you haven't yet donated.

Please check your status below to confirm. And if you haven't given already, please make a tax-deductible donation today.

This campaign is so urgent that all gifts will be TRIPLE matched up to our $250,000 goal to protect pollinators, our food supply, and the environment on all fronts. A gift of $5 or more goes a long way — but only UNTIL MIDNIGHT!


Member ID: 6503928

Progress to Goal: $141,722/$250,000
Deadline: MIDNIGHT
Contributed to 2021 Pollinator Campaign: Not yet >>


Bees and other pollinators are experiencing alarming declines, in large part due to a deluge of toxic neonic pesticides pushed by giant agrochemical companies like Bayer. The threats posed by these dangerous chemicals to pollinators, to the future of our food supply, and to our health are too worrisome to ignore.

NRDC is mounting a hard-hitting campaign to stop the neonic binge plaguing our environment, mobilizing massive public pressure on the EPA to ban bee-killing uses of neonic pesticides, and leaning on the power of the courts, if necessary, to ensure our pollinators and food supply are protected.

But your support is desperately needed to help us fight for bee survival — here's why:

  • Acute exposure to neonics can kill bees directly, and chronic exposure weakens bees, making it harder for them to forage for food, find their way back to their hives, combat parasites and disease, and survive winter. Every $5 you pitch in to help is worth $15.
  • As pollinator populations have plummeted, neonic sales have soared. Neonics are now the most heavily used insecticide in the United States and are applied to 150 million acres of crops or more each year. These pesticides are even sneaking their way into our own backyards by way of household garden products and pre-treated garden plants. Triple your impact now — even $5 helps.
  • Neonics have made American agriculture 48-times more harmful to bees and other insects since they were introduced. A recent study found that healthy favorites — like apples, cherries, and blueberries — were "pollinator-limited," meaning fewer pollinators leads to lower crop yields. Fight back with a tax-deductible donation today and it will be matched 3X.
  • Emerging evidence links neonic exposure to neurological damage and malformations of the developing heart and brain. And scientists have found that children 3-5 years old are exposed to the toxic pesticide at higher concentrations than adults. All gifts are matched — but only until midnight!

Not only are these chemicals extremely toxic to bees and other pollinating insects, but they also spread easily and can persist in the environment for years. And with roughly half the U.S. population exposed to at least one neonic chemical on a regular basis, the risks are too great for us to do nothing.

But our strength — in the courtroom, in the halls of Washington, and in communities across the country — comes from you.

Please make your all-important donation and help us reach our $250,000 goal. It will be 3X matched to help us hold the EPA and Big Ag accountable — in and out of court — and protect pollinators, our food supply, and our environment. Hurry, this matching gift opportunity ends at MIDNIGHT TONIGHT!

Lucas Rhoads
Project Attorney, NRDC

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