We call on the nation to cleanse our public policy of sin...

Dear John,

This Thursday we commemorate Jesus washing the feet of his disciples at the Last Supper by joining the West Virginia Poor People’s Campaign as they call on their Senators and the nation to cleanse our public policy from the sins of voter suppression, poverty wages and the filibuster that stands in the way of making democracy real for everyone. Join us online at 3pm ET/ 12pm PT.


This is also the season of Passover, where we remember the Exodus and the liberation of God's people time and time again. America needs a new heart and a new kind of caring. The people of West Virginia will not be silent. We must stand for voting rights and living wages and against voter suppression and the cynical use of the filibuster, a relic of Jim Crow, which is used most often to protect corporations and the rich. Filibuster means “to talk to death,” and that’s what happens to legislation that lifts from the bottom up – it is talked to death on the Senate floor.


We need $15/hour and a federal voting rights law, both of which stand to be blocked by the filibuster. We invite Sen. Manchin and Sen. Capito to hear directly from their own constituents, wash the feet of those they serve, and wash the nation of injustice. 



Forward together, not one step back!

Rev. Dr. William Barber and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis

Co-Chairs, Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival


P.S. Don't forget to join us on Moral Monday as we Make Holy Trouble with a day of action by people of faith and moral consciousness who are standing up for voting rights and living wages, while decrying the immoral Jim Crow filibuster that is hindering the passage of moral and just public policy.  We'll be broadcasting live from D.C. and across the nation at 4pm ET/ 1pm PT at poorpeoplescampaign.org/livestream