Just a few minutes ago ago, President Biden announced the details of his American Jobs Plan, and it includes what we’ve been asking for: $400 billion for Home and Community-Based Services! I can’t overstate what a massive win this is, and it’s because of caregivers like you who worked with Caring Across to make this possible.
We need to make sure Congress passes President Biden’s plan — Will you sign our petition to help us win?

Since President Biden took office in January, Caring Across has collected thousands of signatures from caregivers and activists like you. We’ve shared how real investment in home and community based services and care will change lives, and we led more than 40 lobby visits with members of Congress to push for more HCBS funding.
This win builds on a decade of our work to unite everyone providing care and everyone receiving it to make care better, more available, and affordable, while also making care jobs good jobs. We finally have a substantial step with real money behind it to make our vision of a care infrastructure a reality.
Pre-pandemic, our insufficient care programs, the people working in them, the people who rely on them, and families who can’t access them under our current system were hanging by a thread. During the pandemic that thread unraveled altogether. Women of color and immigrants, who are more likely to be essential workers and care workers, have felt this the hardest. It’s up to us to push now for real investments in our care systems. Investments that will endure long after the pandemic is over in order to lift our economy and our families, and to create and sustain good jobs.
Tell Congress to ensure that the American Jobs Plan includes significant investments in America's care infrastructure. That includes passing legislation to guarantee access to child care, paid family and medical leave, and President Biden’s $400 billion investment in home and community-based services for people with disabilities and aging adults.
We need to ensure that care workers are paid well because caregivers, people with disabilities, and aging adults need to be able to access home and community care without fear of going broke.
John, we have solutions! Let’s make them happen! Add your voice now to urge Congress to make immediate change.
It’s long past time for our nation to make a significant investment in care! President Biden’s American Jobs Plan includes significant investments in America's care infrastructure -- so now Congress needs to act on it. An investment in our care infrastructure means building comprehensive child care and early education programs, creating universal paid family and medical leave, investing in home and community based services for people with disabilities and aging adults, and paying the workers who provide all of these kinds of care with a living wage and benefits so they can care for their own families while they care for ours.
The cost of inaction is too great. Decades of underinvestment is what made the pandemic so disastrous for our communities. And it’s costing not only women, moms, and disproportionately women of color and their families, but our economy overall.
Just like we need to build bridges to drive on to go to work, we need to build a care infrastructure so parents can go to work, people with disabilities and aging adults can get the community and home care support they need to participate fully with dignity in their communities, children and families can thrive, and child care workers have sustainable jobs that pay a living wage.
Use your voice to urge the Biden administration and Congress to invest in care.
With care,
Beth Shipp,
Managing Director
P.S. The #CareCareWait coalition is led by many organizations working together, including Caring Across Generations; Center for Law and Social Policy; Closing the Women's Wealth Gap; CLASP; Community Change & Economic Security Project Community Change; Family Values @ Work; MomsRising; National Domestic Workers Alliance; National Partnership for Women & Families; National Women's Law Center; Paid Leave For All; Service Employees International Union (SEIU); The Arc; TIMES UP; and Zero To Three.