Help Colorado Dems Win!



With today being the end of the fundraising quarter, I wanted to take a quick opportunity to give you the 5280 foot view of what we’re working on at the Colorado Democratic Party and how it fits into the larger goals of flipping and holding seats across the state.


1. Field and Organizing. We’ve already hired two organizers in CD3, and are hiring on more. We’re holding focus groups and meeting voters where they are. (Want to help us fund rural outreach, including in CD3).  We are still $3,350 short for the month to stay on track for the year).


2. Community Outreach.  We’re changing the way we connect with different constituencies by holding virtual town halls across the state. We’re investing money to get information back so we know what works and what doesn’t. Now that Facebook is letting us run digital ads, we want to invest at least $10,000 to help do more things like this. (Invest Here)


3. Local 2021 Races.  Tyler McDermott, our full time Field Director, is totally revamping our texting program, investing like never before in off year municipal and school board races. (Invest here).


4. Expanding New Donor Programs to Fund 2021-2022 Win Plan.  Our Finance Director and Communications Director are working on a nationwide project to attract new donors by boosting our messages on Facebook starting next month. (Invest here).


5. Candidate Recruitment & Training.  We will be conducting a candidate training bootcamp to help great candidates run great campaigns statewide.  We have candidate kits and free online training to augment the boot camp. (Invest here).


We think it is important that you know what the CDP does with your money, and these are just a few of the ways we’re getting way ahead for 2022 and winning races right now.


None of this work happens without you, so if you're as passionate about any of these projects as I am—please chip in here to keep us on track for the year.

