
Thank you for joining the DGA’s online community of hundreds of thousands of strong Democrats across the country.

We are the only organization solely dedicated to electing Democratic governors and building a firewall to fight the extreme Trump-GOP agenda in the states. Year after year, we’re battling in key races, helping to elect and reelect Democratic governors – and to stop extremist Republicans from implementing right-wing policies like gutting Social Security and Medicare, defunding Planned Parenthood and enacting voter suppression laws.

We made historic gains in 2018, flipping seven governorships to Democratic control and helping Democrats represent a majority of Americans, but the fight for 2019 and 2020 is more important than ever. As we chip away at Donald Trump and Republicans’ stranglehold on power, your support is more important than ever to Democrats’ success. That’s why we hope you’ll take a second to connect with the DGA on Facebook.

Please, click here to “like” the DGA on Facebook.

Electing Democratic governors is a surefire way to check disastrous Republican policies, stop GOP gerrymandering and voter suppression and enact real change that will benefit all Americans.

The best – and quickest – way to join the fight is to follow us on Facebook. Please, help us build a network of committed Democrats that will drive even more historic wins in 2019 and 2020! Here’s that link again:

Thank you for standing strong with us.


Team DGA