Hi John,
I’m excited to announce that the National Immigration Forum’s Leading the Way convening will take place from October 25 to October 28 this year. As we think through what this year’s event will look like, we would love to hear your two cents.
Leading the Way is the only gathering of moderate and conservative faith, law enforcement, and business leaders who support constructive, bipartisan immigration reform. Attendees will have the opportunity to network with other leaders, advocate on Capitol Hill, and hear from influential speakers.
With COVID-19 vaccinations on the rise and businesses reopening, 2021 is a year of hope for our country. In the coming months and years, we have a unique opportunity to bring our immigration system into the 21st century. Leading the Way is a chance to focus on the possibilities that lie ahead in immigration and amplify emerging thought leaders and ideas.
Our initial thinking for this year’s Leading the Way revolves around several themes: The future of our nation’s economy and workforce; the role of new Americans in our democracy; and the nation’s responsibility and self-interest when it comes to global migration.
Here are my questions for you:
- Which of these themes resonate the most? Why do you feel that way?
- What are the questions we need to be asking about the future of immigration? How can immigration reform shape this future in positive ways?
- Who are the people or organizations leading the way or innovating in the realm of immigration? How are these leaders positively impacting the debate?
Here’s our program from last year if you need some inspiration.
Feel free to reply to this email or submit ideas in our ideas generation form.
Thank you,
Ali Noorani
National Immigration Forum

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