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Dear NCRC members and allies,

The pandemic underscored the systemic inequities that exist and the urgent need for change. Here is a preview of a few 2021 Just Economy sessions that focus on lessons learned from COVID-19 relief efforts and ways to create a more just and equitable future. 

How can we highlight inequities in state-level CARES Act spending to underscore the need for broader economic justice efforts? 

Tribal, state and local governments have received $150 billion to address unexpected expenses related to COVID-19. Many states and local governments developed public dashboards to track their spending under this fund, making accountability and lessons learned possible for future reform efforts. What are strategies for advancing an economic justice agenda? How can we use these findings to support the push for broader economic justice policies in other areas, particularly those aimed at closing the racial wealth gap?

Housing Counselors: Joining the Ranks of First Responders

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught the housing counseling field anything, it is that the show must go on. Essentially overnight, counseling agencies had to transition to virtual operating space to continue to serve clients as consumers faced financial uncertainty amidst an international health crisis. Attendees of this session will hear from housing counseling professionals who worked on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Leading Through the Pandemic: How Local Governments are Dismantling Barriers to Economic Mobility

COVID-19 exacerbated the health and economic wealth gaps that we already knew persisted. Local governments were challenged with identifying revitalization strategies to address barriers to economic mobility with increased attention placed on the intersection of gender, race, health and poverty. This session will focus on how local government professionals are leading through the pandemic while shifting priorities to place equity front and center in their recovery efforts.

Register now for two jam-packed days of keynotes and networking online May 3-4, plus:
  • Pre Conference: Advocacy Week, April 26-30 (for NCRC members only)
  • Post Conference: Just Economy Sessions, May 5-14
Register now

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We can’t wait to “see” you,
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NCRC Launches Interactive Tool To Explore Local Lending Patterns [Read more]
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