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Special note from Londre Holmes, NPH's Digital Communications Specialist

Hello there! As Alina mentioned in our last Round Up, I will now officially be at the helm of our bi-weekly newsletter! I'm excited to continue sharing the affordable housing news and upcoming events that you’ve become accustomed to in our Round Up. I’m hoping to not only share news and updates, but also grow support for and within our industry by offering places to advocate for affordable housing and share opportunities to engage with our growing movement. If you ever have any questions about the Round Up or would like your organization’s upcoming event(s) included, please don’t hesitate to reach out at [email protected]!

Wednesday, March 31 Round Up: Support grows for the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority, new updates to our legislative priorities, Leadership Awards honorees announced, & more!


Support Grows for the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority

BAHA logo

We currently have over 20 organizations signed on in support of the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA), and with your support we can grow that number even more.

A seed investment of $18.5 million is needed to launch five pilot programs for BAHFA, which will also work to sustain the momentum of grassroots support and philanthropic interest in BAHFA. The Bay Area Housing for All (BAHA) coalition supports the request by MTC and ABAG for $18.5 million in this year’s 2021-22 State Budget. You can still add your support to the letter.


Legislative Updates

Image of Capitol

NPH's 2021 legislative priorities seek to move timely and urgent policies, while advancing big picture, long-term strategy that will make meaningful change for all of our neighbors. Recent updates to our priority package include:

  • AB 71, which would create $2.4 billion annual allocation for housing and homelessness, is slated for a committee hearing on April 12th to review new amendments. We encourage folks to endorse this bill here.
  • The Roadmap Home, led by California Housing Partnership and Housing California, officially launched last week and included a package of bills which encompass many of NPH's legislative priorities. We're looking forward to continuing to work with our statewide partners to advance these solutions.

Want to dig deeper on these policies with NPH?

  • Stay up to date on all of the NPH-endorsed policy by signing up for "The Policy Pipeline" newsletter! This monthly newsletter includes timely housing policy updates that provide deep analysis. 
  • Join us at our Legislative Issues Working Group meeting tomorrow, April 1 from 9:30-11:30am where we will discuss our legislative priorities further. NPH working groups are for members only. Click here to become a member and click here to join our Legislative Issues Working Group.

Our 25th Leadership Awards Honorees Announced!

Image of Leadership Awards

NPH is pleased to announce this year’s awardee slate for our 25th Annual Leadership Awards! We are honored to celebrate:

  • Rising Star Award: Tiffany Wong, EAH Housing
  • Lifetime Achievement Award: Don Falk, Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation (TNDC)
  • Movement Trailblazer Award: Black Developers Forum

Want to support NPH further? Consider sponsoring our Awards this yearIn addition to supporting NPH’s critical work ahead, sponsors receive a whole suite of benefits!


Tell Your Networks about BAHIP

Photo of BAHIP video

Check out NPH's latest video on the Bay Area Housing Internship Program (BAHIP), sharing details about the program and reasons to apply for our upcoming cohort! Please join us in sharing this exciting application opportunity widely.

We are currently recruiting interns for our fourth round of the program. The full application can be found here, and we encourage applicants to review the full program description before completing the application. The deadline to apply is Friday, April 16 at 11:59pm.


Calling All Resident Services Staff! Upcoming NPH Trainings

image of ELPN

Join NPH for these opportunities in the coming weeks!

  • The Emerging Leaders Peer Network (ELPN) is hosting a happy hour on April 8Enjoy special acts and performances by musicians and a magician all while networking with fellow housers virtually and in small breakout rooms. Plus there will be a chance to win awesome prizes!
  • This year, NPH is joining with JVH Empowers to offer a slate of workshops for resident services staff, focused on COVID-19 recovery, health, wellness, and equity. Join us on April 15 for the first workshop, "Virtual Facilitation for Collective Empowerment."

Get Ready for Affordable Housing Month!

Affordable Housing Month logo

Affordable Housing Month kicks off this year with NPH's 25th Annual Leadership Awards and continues throughout May! With a unified voice behind Affordable Housing Month, we can most effectively lift up our issue and engage our communities! Stay tuned for virtual updates and ways to participate. 



Member Perk! Have an event you'd like featured on the website? Please complete this form.


5/4: CHPC - Solar 101 Institute, Part I. Join California Housing Partnership for part 1 of their “Solar 101 Institute” event: Intro to Solar PV for Multifamily. Part I will focus on the basics of solar PV and break down important considerations for the pre-development, installation, and post-installation phases. 


5/11: CHPC - Solar 101 Institute, Part II. Join California Housing Partnership for PART II of the Solar 101 Institute: Solar Resources for Multifamily Affordable Housing. Part II will focus on providing an overview of the landscape of solar funding and resources for multifamily affordable housing in California including low-income energy efficiency and solar programs along with program case studies. 


5/13: EBHO: Affordable Housing Month Celebration. Save the date for EBHO's Affordable Housing Month Celebration! If you're not already on their email list, sign up here to receive regular updates about their events and campaign work.

Find out more

5/15: Housing Trust Silicon Valley: Homeownership Expo and Virtual Exhibit Hall. The Homeownership Expo and Virtual Exhibit Hall, presented by Housing Trust Silicon Valley, will be held during Affordable Housing Month in May 2021. More details to come. Join their Homebuyer Interest List to receive future information about the Expo, upcoming webinars, and program information.


Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH)
369 Pine Street, Suite 350 | San Francisco, California  94104
415-989-8160 | [email protected]

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