From Sheldon Whitehouse <[email protected]>
Subject Fire breathing
Date March 31, 2021 5:00 PM
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I wanted to send a quick note of thanks for your support. As you know, I’ve been on a mission to expose the right-wing special interests steadily working to capture the federal courts. I can proudly report that those special interests are not happy we have figured out their scheme.

In recent years, dark money groups shepherded handpicked Supreme Court nominees through the confirmation process, footing the bill for expensive ad campaigns. Right-wing groups – perhaps the same ones writing the big checks to confirm the justices – sponsor cases up to the Court, and then through other front groups file a barrage of legal briefs supporting their position, essentially telling the justices how to rule.

The result of all this dark money influence is a Supreme Court that too often tramples precedent to rule in favor of corporate interests and against everyday Americans.

Last week, Linda Greenhouse, a longtime Court watcher, wrote a piece in the New York Times about the latest dark-money-funded case before the Court, and how emboldened these special interests have become by the success of their scheme.  Greenhouse notes that I filed with several colleagues a “fire-breathing” brief in the case exposing the network of conservative funders behind it.

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Well, we’ve got a lot more fire breathing to do.  Protecting the judiciary from corrupting influences is a complicated, important fight and I’m going to keep putting in the hard work until we safeguard equal justice under law. 

On the other side, there’s a big apparatus fueled by unlimited dark money.  On the side of protecting the integrity of our courts, sometimes my voice is the only one.  But these groups don’t like having anyone on their case — in fact, it’s driving the apparatus wild (see here.)

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Their attacks on me are sure to continue. It’s how they operate. If you can, please chip in what you're able to so that I'm prepared to fight back. Your support now will show those on the other side that I’m not alone — that there is an armada of small ships standing with me to fight their tanker of big dollars.

Click here to donate:

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 So thank you for your interest in this and for doing your part. If it weren’t for us, they’d be getting away with the scheme.

– Sheldon


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