Hi team, just bumping my email from Sunday to make sure it didn't get lost!
We're still about $5,000 short of reaching our End of Quarter goal, and my email below is all about how we use your dollars in my department to win elections. If you'd like to help us continue our work, could you make a contribution right now before tonight's deadline?
Thanks for all you do,
-- Bhavik
Begin forwarded message:
Hey team, I wanted to take this Sunday evening to give you a 30,000 foot view of what my department is working on right now -- and how it fits into the larger goals for the WisDems.
We’re building out a TON of cool ideas to define Ron Johnson early and reach voters in new, exciting ways -- like billboards across Wisconsin! (Want to help us fund them? We still need $20,605 and you can donate here.)
We’re constantly testing and running digital ads to find the right messaging lane, then targeting those ads to the folks that matter: Wisconsin voters in key electorates. The thinking is that if we communicate early and spend the next 2 years reminding people that Ron Johnson’s values don’t line up with our own, the choice at the polls in 2022 will be easy. (Want to help fund our digital ads? We need to hit our End of Quarter goal if we want to keep them live.)
We’re changing the way we do social media, so our channels aren’t just us sending out information, but also actively engaging with our supporters, uplifting content from other organizations, raising awareness on issues that matter to us, and combatting disinformation. Plus, we’re using social media to reach people who are often left behind. (Like TikTok and younger voters!)
We’re totally revamping our email program thanks to some feedback from our supporters. We want our emails to be informative and engaging -- so keep your eyes peeled for the official rollout of our new program next week! (But you’d make our Email Director’s day easier if you could help us reach our End of Quarter goal! Interested? Contribute here.)
I get asked all the time what the digital department does and how our work across the internet helps get Democrats elected. The truth is, our work isn’t that different from the work of field organizers. We just do it online or via connected devices.
We spend our days talking to and hearing from people online. We share important information about elections and how to vote, and take time to understand what voters across the state (and country) care about. We give people the tools and information that they need to organize their communities, and keep them updated on breaking news out of Wisconsin and at the national level. We amplify the voices of our supporters, and amplify the work of our volunteers and staff via email, SMS, social media, ads, digital media, and so much more.
We help win elections by connecting with people and building community where people increasingly spend larger portions of their days—on their favorite apps, websites, and devices.
But none of that can be done without your help. We have the first End of Quarter deadline of the year coming up on Wednesday at midnight, and we still need to raise $20,605 if we want to stay on track and carry out our strategy. Could you help?
Thanks for all you do,
Bhavik Lathia
Senior Digital Director
P.S. — A common refrain since 2016 has been that Trump and Republicans have strong digital operations, and the Democrats have fallen behind. At the WisDems, we’re actively trying to change that. We’re not only building a year-round digital program, but we’re constantly testing and innovating to stay a step ahead of the GOP. Donate today to help us do it.
Our party is committed to advancing progressive values and ensuring Democratic victories up and down the ballot. Will you help us organize with voters year-round? We can't take anything for granted.
This email was sent to you because the WisDems need your help to keep Wisconsin blue. But, if you want to hear from us less, you can click here to unsubscribe. to be removed from our list.
The Democratic Party of Wisconsin
PO Box 1686
Madison, WI 53701
United States
Sent via ActionNetwork.org.
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