Dear NCRC members and allies,

Let us tell you a little bit more about us: NCRC was formed in 1990 by national, regional and local organizations to increase the flow of private capital into traditionally underserved communities.

We have grown into an association of more than 600 community-based organizations that promote access to basic banking services, affordable housing, entrepreneurship, job creation and vibrant communities for America’s working families.

Here are links to some of our research, views and issues on our radar.

We also share a lot on social media. Follow us on Twitter at @NCRC and on Facebook at @TheNCRC for more articles on fairness in banking, housing and business more frequently.

The NCRC team

Copyright © 2019 NCRC, All rights reserved.

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition

We send email updates to NCRC members, contacts and people who opt in via our web site.

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740 15th St. NW Suite 400
Washington, DC 20306

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