Dear Partner, 

Imagine going to the hospital to have your child as planned and finding out the baby was born with a rare, life-threatening condition. When you go home and start to settle into your new normal, you get a bill for $50,000 with no warning because a wing of the hospital where your baby was born was out-of-network. 

That was the reality for Sonji Wilkes, who testified in front of a Congressional committee about surprise medical bills earlier this year. And surprise medical bills like this are the reality for one-in-five emergency visits. 

Right now, Congress is considering legislation to tackle this problem, but opposition is fierce and passage is not guaranteed. We need your help to advance the policy.

Families USA and 13 partner groups in the consumer, patient, and labor community have launched No Surprises: People Against Unfair Medical Bills. This campaign is working to ensure that Congress follows the will of health care consumers and passes legislation to ban surprise bills by the end of the year, all while holding health care costs down in the process. 

Our campaign needs your support in order to win legislation to end surprise bills. Please take the following actions to help stop this harm to health care consumers: 
  • Sign our petition to join us in the No Surprises campaign, and share the petition with your networks
  • Spread the word on social media:
    • Sample post: Congress must act this year to end #surprisemedicalbills and hold down costs for consumers. Visit No Surprises: People Against Unfair Medical Bills to learn more and take action.
  • Let us know if you can help in your state
    • Actions in states will make a big difference to winning legislation in Congress. If your organization can help, please contact Justin Mendoza, [email protected].

In solidarity, 

Claire McAndrew,
Director of Campaigns and Partnerships 
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Health Action Network

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