[[link removed]]Dear John,
We’re appealing for your help to ensure the Prime Minister complies with the
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This is an extraordinary sentence to write, but we’re living in extraordinary
Boris Johnson has stated that he’s willing to ignore an Act of Parliament that
requires the Government to either get a new Brexit deal approved by MPs before
19 October or ask the European Union for an extension.
But no one is above the law. If he breaks it, we’ll see him in court.
Never has it been more important for us to stand up to power – and we need your
help to do this.
[[link removed]]Liberty is neutral on the issue of Brexit and has no view on whether the UK
should seek a deal or leave without one.
And this is not a Brexit case. This case is about protecting the very fabric of
our legal system and constitutional order. That is what is at stake if the Prime
Minister defies the “Benn Act”.
Since Liberty was founded in 1934, it has played the role of independent
watchdog. We’re not affiliated with any political party and receive no
government funding. Our role has always been to challenge unjust laws, policies
and practices.
For 85 years we have held Governments of all colours and persuasions to account.
This case continues that tradition.
It is simple: the UK Government, whoever it is made up of and whatever it is
seeking to do, must always act lawfully.
Your money will support our case against the Government. If this case isn’t
brought, your donation will ensure Liberty can continue to champion your rights
whatever the future holds for UK politics.
Please donate whatever you can.
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Thank you for your support
Martha Spurrier
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