Indivisible SF Newsletter
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Indivisible SF
With Democrats in control of the House, Senate, and White House, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to create bold, transformational change. But the building blocks for a strong slate of reforms must include an inclusive recovery act and structural democracy reform.

These aspirations were described in the THRIVE Resolution in the previous Congress, which had eighty-nine co-sponsors, including Representative Speier. The resolution declares that the federal government has a duty to build a society with greater racial, economic, and gender justice.

As the House starts to work on a recovery package, we must demand that this package address the many and systemic crises that millions of Americans face. With the climate crisis continuing to worsen, the economy still in a deep recession, and the need for racial justice and healing being felt as acutely as ever, the case for Green New Deal-style policymaking is stronger than ever before. We need a bold new vision to create millions of good jobs, repair and revive our economy, and address the overlapping crises of mass unemployment, racial injustice, public health, and climate change. 

Call your Members of Congress and tell them: support the THRIVE Agenda and build back better by being bolder! 

Keep up the pressure: tell Senator Feinstein to end or reform the filibuster!

Though Senator Feinstein has made some movement on the filibuster, she is still waffling on ending or reforming it. So long as the filibuster remains as it is, Republicans will use it to kill every single piece of legislation that we support, including S.1, the “For the People Act.” Now is the time to keep up the pressure on Senator Feinstein with a constant drumbeat of anti-filibuster messages.

Vital legislation, such as the For The People Act, the Equality Act, background checks for gun purchases, and more, are at stake. Each day that you can, please pick one bill from the list in the call script and send a brief one- or two-sentence message in your own words to Senator Feinstein and President Biden linking that bill to ending or reforming the filibuster. 

Call Senator Feinstein and tell her: end or reform the Filibuster to protect vital bills from the Senate Deathwatch!

And, with the need to pass the For the People Act so urgent, it’s time to bring the fight to the Senator’s office! Please join us outside Senator Feinstein’s San Francisco office at 1 Post Plaza (Post and Market, near Montgomery BART) on Monday, April 5, 2021, from 12:00-1:00 PM to urge her to fight for passage of S.1, the For the People Act, in the US Senate.

If you can’t attend in person, please call Senator Feinstein’s office that day.

Our Next General Meeting

ISF General Meetings will now be once a month on dates to be determined. They will have a specific focus and varied formats. The next ISF General Meeting will be Wednesday, April 21, at 7:00PM.

The focus of this meeting will be the Senate filibuster and the For the People Act. It will include a presentation, discussion, and an Action Hour. RSVP here to join us! 
ISF State and Local Working Group meeting: Friday, April 2, 7:30–8:30 PM. Register here to help us plan to propose legislation to our state legislators and support progressive initiatives on the state and local level.

“For the People Act” Rally: Monday, April 5, 12–1 PM. Please join us outside Senator Feinstein’s San Francisco office at 1 Post Plaza (Post and Market, near Montgomery BART) to urge her to fight for passage of S.1, the For the People Act, in the US Senate. RSVP on Facebook.

ISF Federal Working Group meeting: Thursday, April 8, 7:00–9:00 PM. Register here to help us develop strategies to influence our Members of Congress and the Biden administration to enact a progressive agenda. Zoom room opens at 7:00 PM for discussion and orientation, and the meeting agenda starts promptly at 7:30 PM. 

ISF General Meeting: Wednesday, April 21, 7–9 PM. Register here for our general meeting, where we will focus on the Senate filibuster and the For the People Act. It will include a presentation, discussion, and an Action Hour.

Keep Fighting,

The Indivisible SF Team
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  1. Download from the Android or iOS app store

  2. Open the app and tap 'create new account' to sign up

  3. Join the Indivisible SF team using the invite code 101-202-303

  4. Cheer someone on and/or take an action
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