Your monthly recap of the news you need to know. 

PRH Newsletter

Tell Congress: Condemn Violence Against Asian Americans

In response to the horrific rise in anti-Asian hate crimes, join our partner—National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum—in urging our elected officials to strongly condemn this ongoing violence and to center Asian American women and elders in their response. 

Sign your name >>

Op-Ed: I Got the COVID-19 Vaccine While Pregnant—Here's Why

PRH Fellow Dr. Stephanie Chen shares her experience getting the COVID-19 vaccine as a pregnant person and a physician in SELF magazine.


How the COVID Stimulus Bill Could Help Address Maternal Mortality Crisis in US

President & CEO Dr. Jamila Perritt spoke to The 19th about how the American Rescue Plan lets states extend Medicaid eligibility for postpartum people. This is an important first step to reduce pregnancy-related deaths, but much more work is needed. 


Nominate an Abortion Provider Who Inspires YOU!

Help us honor two inspiring abortion providers for our 2021 Rashbaum and Tiller Awards. We’re looking for physicians who are either great mentors in abortion care or advocates taking courageous action to expand abortion access. Deadline to submit: April 30, 2021. 

Submit your nomination >>

Meet Our Advocates: Dr. Miranda Loh

Get to know Dr. Miranda Loh, an adolescent medicine physician in New York. Originally from Texas, Dr. Loh was inspired to become a doctor after receiving compassionate health care for her heart condition while growing up.