Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Focus Church: Ashland (St Joseph)
Pastor: Doug Walter and spouse Carol
Mozambique Church: Goxani (Matsinhe)
Pastor: Mateus Chicuava
Scripture - Psalm 137:5-9
5 Jerusalem! If I forget you,
let my strong hand wither!
6 Let my tongue stick to the roof of my mouth
if I don’t remember you,
if I don’t make Jerusalem my greatest joy.
7 Lord, remember what the Edomites did
on Jerusalem’s dark day:
“Rip it down, rip it down!
All the way to its foundations!” they yelled.
8 Daughter Babylon, you destroyer,[a]
a blessing on the one who pays you back
the very deed you did to us!
9 A blessing on the one who seizes your children
and smashes them against the rock!