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I just wanted to send you a quick update on our critical end-of-quarter fundraising drive. We’re getting so close to finishing our quarter strong and we need all the resources available to keep our Republican winning streaking going in Indiana!  

Democrats have made Indiana one of their top targets for 2022, and they’re already raising record amounts to try and bring a blue wave to the heartland!  

If everyone reading this chips in just $5, we will CRUSH our goal and have the foundation to keep Indiana RED in 2022 and beyond. Will you please help? 

CHIP IN $5 >>

I know I don’t need to remind you of the damage that Joe Biden and the rest of the Democrats have already done. It is imperative that we hold strong here in Indiana, and begin the work of winning back Washington DC.  

Please help keep Indiana RED by chipping in just $5 before midnight TONIGHT! >> 

Kyle Hupfer, Chairman IN GOP

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