Welcome to Wednesday, March 31st, constituents...

Darnella Frazier, an 18-year-old witness who filmed George Floyd's death on May 25, 2020, said this at Tuesday's trial:

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On Tuesday, witness testimony continued in the trial of former Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin, who is charged with Floyd's murder. Chauvin was recorded kneeling on Floyd's neck for 9 minutes, 29 seconds while Floyd shouted, "I can't breathe."

We cover all the key quotes of day 2 of the trial here, including:

  • Donald Wynn Williams II, who has a background in both wrestling and mixed martial arts, claimed that Chauvin performed a "blood choke" on Floyd, adjusting his positioning several times to maintain pressure on Floyd's neck.

  • A witness who is not being publicly named or shown on video by the court because she's a minor claimed that former officer Tou Thao was being aggressive to the bystanders and Chauvin got his mace and started shaking it, scaring her.
  • Genevieve Hansen, a trained emergency medical technician (EMT) and Minneapolis firefighter, said she felt "helpless":
"Because there was a man being killed, and I would have... had I had access to a call similar to that, I would have been able to provide medical attention to the best of my abilities and this human was denied that."

What's your verdict? Is Chauvin guilty of the murder of George Floyd?

Sexual Abuse of Animals

Hawaii is currently considering a bill that would make sexual abuse of animals a felony.

The Aloha State joins New Mexico, West Virginia, and Wyoming in not having any laws prohibiting the sexual assault of animals.

While the remaining states ban sex with animals, the laws are sometimes weak or vague, prohibiting vague offenses like an “abominable crime against nature."

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Should all states have laws against bestiality?


Former President Donald Trump and former first lady Melania have launched "the official website of the 45th President of the United States" where supporters can request their participation in events, submit letters, and ask for personalized greetings.

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The former first couple is "continually strengthened by the enduring spirit of the American people" and looks forward to "staying in touch," according to a statement.

Trump’s representatives added that 45Office.com, "will allow individuals to submit correspondence, scheduling requests, and press inquiries for President and Mrs. Trump."

What do you think of Trump's official website?

All The Memes Fit To Post

And, In The End...

Unionize your pals for César Chávez Day.

The civil-rights and labor-movement leader was born on this date in 1927.

Sí, se puede,

—Josh Herman

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