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Wednesday, March 31st, 2021

The ‘Covid’ Vaccine Is a Weapon of Mass Destruction

Gary D. Barnett

The Great Unvaxxed

TE Creus

NATO Warplanes Intercept Russian Aircraft Ten Times in One Day From Arctic to Black Sea

Rick Rozoff

Biden Sleeps, Perchance To Dream

Jon Rappoport

What If? Coronavirus Edition

Laurence M. Vance

The Post-Marxist Left’s Race Problem

Grant Havers

Republicans Want To Take Your Guns

Dakota Hensley

Fascinating Parallels Between the ‘Woke’ Revolution in the USA and the East German Stasi

Heywood Floyd

Good-bye American Liberty

Paul Craig Roberts

The States Must Resist the Federal Takeover of Elections

Jon N. Hall

Institutionalized Medical Malpractice & Covid

Dr. Mark Sircus

Deadly Blood Clots Caused by Covid-19 Vaccine

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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