We all need to stop voter suppression.

Sanford Bishop for Congress


Something shameful happened in Georgia last week.

A group of legislators stood by while Governor Kemp signed a sweeping piece of voter suppression legislation into law.

Then, they stood by as one of their colleagues knocked on the door in protest.

They stood by while Representative Park Cannon was handcuffed in her own workplace. They stood by when she was arrested for doing her job – defending the people of Georgia.

They’re hoping we’ll do the same thing. They’re hoping we’ll stand by while they strip us of our rights and dignity. They want us to stand by on election day and allow them to walk into office unchecked. They want us to stand by as our brothers and sisters stand hours in lines designed by Georgia Republicans.

Well, John, they’ve forgotten who we are.

We never stand by. We’re standing up and we’re standing together. We stand on the shoulders of other sons and daughters of Georgia. John Lewis. Jimmy Carter. Stacey Abrams. Martin Luther King, Jr. Like you, I am angry and saddened by what happened last Thursday. But more than anything, I’m ready to work. Are you?

When Brian Kemp struck Georgia voters from the rolls, we fought back.

When Republicans worked to make it as hard as possible to vote in 2030, we elected Joe Biden, Jon Ossoff, and Raphael Warnock.

We will win this – if we work together.

John, we just need your help Will you split a contribution between Stacey Abrams’ work against voter suppression and our own efforts here in GA-02?

Together, we’re standing strong. Thank you for all you continue to do.

Sanford Bishop






Paid for by Sanford Bishop for Congress

Sanford Bishop for Congress
P.O. Box 909
Columbus GA 31902 United States

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