A roundup of recent Fund publications, charts, multimedia, and other timely content.
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Fund Connection

A roundup of recent Fund publications, charts, multimedia, and other timely content.
October 1, 2019
What's New
New Survey: A Quarter of Americans Like “Medicare for All,” but Many Need More Information

In a new Commonwealth Fund survey, just over a quarter (27%) of working-age adults said they support eliminating all private health insurance and instituting a “Medicare for All” system. However, 40 percent say they need more information to form an opinion on the proposal. The survey also found strong public support for increasing Medicaid eligibility in states that haven’t yet done so — more than two-thirds of residents in those 17 states favor Medicaid expansion.

A “work requirements” program in Arkansas to improve health and increase employment led to thousands of people losing health insurance and other unintended consequences.

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Medicare and Medicaid
Tennessee Moves Closer to Block Grant Funding for Medicaid

One of the ways the Trump administration is seeking to cut federal spending on Medicaid is through block grants, through which a state would receive a fixed amount of funding for its program. This month, Tennessee became the first state to propose converting its Medicaid program into a block grant — a move likely to be challenged in court, says health law expert Sara Rosenbaum in a post for To the Point.

Nearly Half of Kentucky’s Medicaid Recipients Don’t Know About State’s Work Requirement Plans

According to a survey by Harvard researchers, 46 percent of Kentuckians enrolled in Medicaid haven’t heard anything about the state’s plans for a work requirement. And, as it turns out, nearly all the state’s Medicaid beneficiaries already meet the proposed rules — either by working 20 hours a week, conducting other activities like job search or training, or being eligible for an exemption like a disability.

Medicaid Expansion in Florida

A new analysis of how a potential expansion of Medicaid eligibility in Florida would affect health coverage and finances in the state predicts that more than 830,000 residents would join the program within the first five years and that $14.3 billion in new federal dollars would flow into the state during that time. In a To the Point post arguing “Medicaid expansion is a bargain for states,” Commonwealth Fund researchers point out that the total five-year net budget cost to Florida, $516.4 million, would be more than offset by fiscal gains in other parts of the system.

Access and Coverage
Protection from Surprise Medical Bills: What’s Congress Doing?

“Surprise billing” happens when out-of-network medical providers bill patients for more than what their insurance plans will pay. On To the Point, Georgetown University researchers Jack Hoadley, Beth Fuchs, and Kevin Lucia report on six bills that have been introduced in Congress to address the problem, focusing on progress of the two that are farthest along.

Delivery System Reform
The Dose: How One Doctor Treats People with Sickle Cell Disease

Sickle cell disease is a life-threatening blood disorder affecting around 100,000 Americans, mostly African Americans. On the latest episode of The Dose, Cecelia Calhoun, M.D., talks about her work helping children and young adults with sickle cell cope, in part by helping them face challenges like getting to the hospital for treatment or paying bills. Calhoun is one of the first experts to receive the Pozen Commonwealth Fund Fellowship in Minority Health Leadership at Yale University to advance her work on health disparities.

Seeking New Medicare Vice President

The Commonwealth Fund is recruiting a new vice president to lead our Advancing Medicare initiative and coordinate its activities with work undertaken by the Fund’s other programs. Successful candidates for this New York City–based or Washington, D.C.–based position will have a doctoral degree or equivalent in a field related to health services research, health policy, or health economics, as well as a minimum of eight years of related work experience at the state and national level. The full job description is available on the Commonwealth Fund website.

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