From Jonathan Greenblatt - ADL CEO <[email protected]>
Subject One click helps keep the pressure up on Facebook...
Date March 30, 2021 9:19 PM
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Dear John,

We wanted to share some good news today, and ask you for a click to help us...

Thanks to you all, the #StopHateforProfit campaign has been driving Facebook to stop valuing profits over hate. The campaign is grateful to be nominated for a
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Shorty Award for &lsquo;Best in Non-Profit&rsquo;. These high-profile awards honor the best of social media and digital work, and this nomination comes as recognition of the impact of the #StopHateforProfit community. We couldn’t have done it without you.

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With partners including Color of Change, Common Sense Media, Free Press, LULAC, Mozilla, NAACP, National Hispanic Media Coalition and Sleeping Giants, we asked companies and advertisers to pause their advertising on Facebook for the month of July 2020. More than 1,200 companies, businesses and nonprofits, including many of the highest profile brands in the world, rallied to support the cause of reducing hate on Facebook. The ad pause was a warning shot across Facebook&rsquo;s bow, sparking broad consumer awareness and launching a worldwide movement.

More importantly, Facebook began to shift some practices, finally releasing a long-awaited Civil Rights audit, agreeing to hire a Civil Rights executive and taking action against some extremist groups on its platform. We followed up by collaborating with celebrities to take a one-day freeze on Instagram. Influential celebrities froze their accounts, including Sacha Baron Cohen, Kim Kardashian, Leonardo DiCaprio, Katy Perry, Jamie Foxx, Michael B. Jordan and Jennifer Lawrence. Almost immediately, Facebook announced new, more stringent policies to curb election disinformation.

Since the launch of Stop Hate for Profit, Facebook has finally started taking long overdue action against hateful movements like Holocaust Deniers, Boogaloo and QAnon.

The campaign has also had a significant &ldquo;halo effect&rdquo; by encouraging other social media companies including Twitter, Reddit and YouTube to take stock of their own efforts to moderate hateful content on their channels. But this is not close to everything that needs to be done, and the coalition’s work continues.

Please help keep the momentum going! Take a moment to go online now through Wednesday to vote for #StopHateforProfit to win a Shorty Award chosen by the public (we are also up for one being chosen by a panel of industry experts).
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Cast your vote for the cause.

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Thank you for helping to push Facebook and other online platforms to #StopHateforProfit.

Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

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