

I am proud of you and Colorado. When I was elected as Colorado Attorney General in 1998, I was the only Democrat serving in any of the statewide offices. Over the last 22 years, we have changed the world together.


Today, we have great Democrats as Governor, two U.S. Senators, the strongest Congressional delegation and a President of the Senate and Speaker of the House.


And our work has only just begun to create a more inclusive and just America, giving voice to the least among us, and protecting our democracy from assaults on the integrity of elections and voting rights.


Cesar Chavez prayed during his hardest times:  “God grant me the courage to serve others because in service there is true life.”  We as Democrats live out the meaning of his prayer by helping elect servant leaders. And that is why the Democratic Party in Colorado has become the beacon of hope for America.


We must continue that journey with your help. Please join me in supporting this year’s Obama Dinner on April 24, 2021 so that we can continue our march toward a more perfect union.


With great appreciation,


Ken Salazar

Former Colorado Attorney General, U.S. Senator and Secretary of Interior
