From Mises Institute <>
Subject Last Chance to Apply for Mises University!
Date March 30, 2021 3:00 PM
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Applications are due by April 2nd.

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The Scholarship Application Deadline is this Friday!

Mises University ([link removed]) is the world’s leading instructional program in the Austrian school of economics. Since 1986, it has been the essential training ground for college and university students who are looking beyond the mainstream.

Rooted in the tradition of Carl Menger and Ludwig von Mises, as well as Murray Rothbard and F.A. Hayek, the Austrian school offers a rigorous and logical approach to economics that gives free markets their due and takes full account of the reality of human choice. More than a field within economics, the Austrian school is an entirely different approach that dissents from the mainstream on method, theory, and policy. It views economic actors as unique, conscious, and freely choosing individuals, not as undifferentiated data to be manipulated mathematically or politically.

Subject areas cover market behavior, competition, value and utility, money and banking, business cycles, industrial organization, method, economic history, the philosophy of science, financial economics, and more. You attend what most suits your interests and level of advancement.

The scholarship application for Mises University 2021 is now open ([link removed]) to full-time college and university students. The deadline for scholarship applications is April 2, with decisions communicated to all applicants by April 16. Economics majors and graduate students have priority, but college and university students in all disciplines are encouraged to apply. Space is limited and the application process is highly competitive.
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Through the generosity of Mises Institute Supporters, there is no registration fee at Mises University for students who are accepted. Acceptance is highly selective. All students who are accepted on a full scholarship receive complimentary admission to all sessions, refreshment breaks, accommodations for seven nights, daily transportation between accommodations and the Mises Institute, and meals beginning with dinner on Sunday, July 18, and ending with dinner on Saturday, July 24.

The student who emerges from the oral examinations (the Mündliche Prüfung) with the best record, selected by the examining committee, will be awarded the Douglas E. French Scholarship Prize of $2,500. The second and third place winners will receive the Kenneth Garschina Prizes of $1,500 and $750 respectively.
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