Women are the ultimate multitaskers, seamlessly transitioning back and forth between our professional and family and personal lives. For those of us who are also business owners, we’re constantly toggling back and forth between on-the-group and big picture perspectives as well. Whether you manage a business, a team, or a project, the hard truth is that the list of your responsibilities will always dwarf the amount of time you have to actually accomplish your to-do list. There will always be many moving parts and variables that are out of your control, but that is all the more reason to be proactive and strategic about the parts that you can influence.
In this session, we will talk about tricks to help you become more strategic and productive with your precious time, including visualizing how you spend your time and Improving your time estimates for specific tasks and projects. This series of events focuses on women business owners and will be an open forum to discuss the challenges and successes of women who understand what it takes to own and run a business. The format will include a 30 minute presentation and Q&A, followed by networking in virtual breakout rooms.