Friends -
Today we are very proud to announce some extraordinary news: over the last three months, our supporters have contributed more than $25.3 million to our campaign.
But just as important as the amount of money we’ve raised is how we’ve raised these funds. We received an astonishing 1.4 million individual donations in the last three months at an average donation of just $18. I am very proud of that fact, and you should be too.
But it gets better: our campaign received more donations and raised more money in the month of September than in ANY month this entire campaign.
I know that we have asked a lot over the last few days, and I didn’t want any more time to pass before saying thank you.
But in addition to our grassroots fundraising success these last three months, we’ve emailed you about:
This is a campaign on the move. It is a campaign that is built to win. And in the days and weeks ahead, you are going to see us put these resources to work to advance our effort to win this primary, defeat Donald Trump, and transform our nation.
But no one person can do that alone, not me or the best presidential candidate you can possibly imagine.
There is only one way to accomplish those goals — and that is together.
Not Me. Us.
And as a way of saying thank you for your support this past quarter, and throughout our entire campaign, I want to make sure we get you one of our most popular stickers – the one with the "Not Me. Us." campaign slogan on it.
Just tell us where to send it:
Tell us where to send your "Not Me. Us." sticker and we’ll get it out in the mail to you in the very near future.
Real change comes when large numbers of Americans get involved in the democratic process. And together, we’re building the political revolution we need to rebuild our middle class, reclaim our democracy, and save our planet.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders