March 30, 2021
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March 29, 2021
Dinesh D'Souza's most important film yet
DINESH D'SOUZA ? Dinesh D'Souza's new documentary, Trump Card, leads the charge against the new face of Socialism! The Left is fighting harder than ever to destroy the Land of the Free. "Beating Socialism, corruption, and the Deep State": this film is a must-watch for every freedom-loving American. See trailer.... (more)

March 29, 2021
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

March 29, 2021
CLIFF KINCAID ? Conservatives have canceled their own culture. Glenn Beck is a recent example, blasting anti-communist Senator Joe McCarthy and warning of a new "Red Scare" targeting conservatives. We should have taken the old Red Scare more seriously and could have avoided our current fate.... (more)

March 29, 2021
YOUTUBE ? Dr. Lyle Rapacki of Arizona Today interviews Col. Phil Waldron about Arizona's forensic audit, which is still underway and will have far-reaching implications for the Nov. 3 election and likely all future elections. This is part 2 of their informative discussion.... (more)

March 28, 2021
The source, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, is considered by many to be America?s foremost think tank
CSIS ? On March 22, China's Foreign Ministry announced sanctions against 10 European individuals and four organizations in retaliation for the European Union's sanctions on four Chinese officials for their role in carrying out human rights abuses in Xinjiang. Those targeted by Beijing are prohibited from traveling to China and are "restricted from doing business with China."... (more)

March 28, 2021
THE FEDERALIST ? Open The New York Times' politics page Thursday morning and the top headline reads, "Democrats Begin Push For Biggest Expansion In Voting Since 1960s." It's a story about the most important election power-grab in modern legislative history, with a slim, partisan majority of senators seeking to wrest control of elections away from state governments to ensure Democrat control for decades to come.... (more)

March 28, 2021
PJ MEDIA ? There is no Biden administration. Officially, it's the Biden-Harris administration, and federal agencies have been instructed to include Kamala Harris's name in a directive sent to all federal agencies from "a top White House communications team member."... (more)

March 28, 2021
LIFE SITE NEWS ? Masks and bans on indoor dining do little to stop the spread of COVID-19, according to a new report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Infection, and media outlets that covered the findings downplayed the results. According to the CDC report, published March 12 in the agency's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, while mask mandates and indoor restaurant bans did decrease daily cases of COVID-19 and deaths, the results were a correlation and a tiny one at that.... (more)

March 28, 2021
Not a single current or proposed background check would have prevented shooter from buying a weapon
PJ MEDIA ? The alleged shooter in a massacre at a King Soopers grocery store in Boulder, Colo., passed a background check when buying a gun six days before the murders. Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa opened fire in the store, killing 10 people, including a Boulder police officer. John Mark Eagleton, owner of Eagles Nest Armory in the Denver suburb of Arvada, said he's cooperating with federal authorities. Alissa passed a background check conducted by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation before purchasing a gun, Eagleton said.... (more)

March 27, 2021
Families will be able to choose to spend school funds on private schooling, home schooling, or public schooling
THE FEDERALIST ? In February 2018, public school teachers brought West Virginia to its knees. Seeking pay raises and better health plans, unions had declared a "work stoppage" in all 55 counties, shuttering every public school in the state. The "stoppage" -- which was in fact an unlawful strike -- dragged on for nine school days, costing children nearly two weeks of instruction. Under pressure, the Republican legislature rushed through a pay raise to pacify the unions.... (more)

March 27, 2021
THE FEDERALIST ? The Biden administration is facing not just a crisis at the border, but a crisis of unprecedented magnitude. Unaccompanied migrant teenagers and children have never before arrived at the border in such numbers. For the past three weeks, federal agents have apprehended on average more than 550 unaccompanied minors every day, and are on pace to bring in more than 17,000 children and teens in March, the most ever in a single month. The numbers for April and May, when border crossings usually peak, will undoubtedly bring far higher numbers.... (more)

March 27, 2021
If Americans are informed, 'they will say this has to stop right now'
ART MOORE ? After a gun-boat tour Friday of the Rio Grande and visits to overwhelmed border facilities amid the migrant surge, a delegation of 19 Republican senators expressed outrage, accusing President Biden of painting a false picture of the situation while blocking media from direct access.... (more)

March 27, 2021
NEWSMAX ? Senate Republicans who visited the U.S.-Mexico border on Friday demanded that the Biden administration restore a Trump-era policy that requires migrants who cross the frontier to go back to Mexico to file for asylum and wait there while their claims are filed.... (more)

March 26, 2021
NEWSMAX ? Michigan Republicans have begun working on a plan to change the state's voting laws following their losses in the 2020 election without having to work with Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, The Detroit News reports.... (more)

March 26, 2021
Claims now 'it's about challenging whiteness and being punished for it'
WORLDNETDAILY ? USA TODAY Sports' race and inclusion editor Hemal Jhaveri announced Friday she was fired after falsely saying an "angry white man" was responsible for Monday's mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado. "[I]t's always an angry white man. Always," Jhaveri said Monday evening before police revealed the shooter was 21-year-old Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, a migrant from Syria.... (more)

March 26, 2021
CLIFF KINCAID ? China Joe Biden calls Russian President Putin a killer but can't bring himself to say the same thing about China President Xi, who is in charge of a controversial biological warfare lab in Wuhan that has been linked to 2.75 million dead. "He's a smart, smart guy," Biden said at his news conference. "We're not looking for confrontation," he added.... (more)

March 25, 2021
?Whoa, that was bad?
NEWSMAX ? Newsmax TV host Greg Kelly reviews clips of the first press conference held by Joe Biden, whom he called "particularly poor at the job of being president" and at "realizing what's going on." The host also looks at Biden administration's attempt to link the Atlanta shootings to racial hatred while ignoring the apparent jihadist motive that led to the shootings in Boulder.... (more)

March 25, 2021
DAILY WIRE ? Democrat President Joe Biden is reportedly "under investigation" for halting billions of dollars in payments that were set to go out to companies that were tasked with finishing President Donald Trump's southern border wall. "Now the Government Accountability Office is launching a review to determine whether the new president broke the law by freezing the money in violation of budget rules designed to keep Congress in control of the cash flow," Politico reported. "The probe highlights the challenge presidents have historically faced in fulfilling campaign promises that require money to be spent -- or suspended -- at odds with Congress' intent."... (more)

March 25, 2021
PJ MEDIA ? Joe Biden sold the American people a bill of goods in 2020. He is not a moderate, and he will make his mark no matter what damage it does to our institutions, traditions, or country. Biden is not even a Trojan horse for the radical Left. He is leading the charge to transform the country. Remember how Joe Biden pushed back on Kamala Harris in a debate? Biden said he had no executive authority to ban assault weapons, and that there were many limits on changes using that tool. Compare that to the statement of Press Secretary Jen Psaki this week:... (more)

March 25, 2021
PJ MEDIA ? Homeschooling rates increased significantly in the fall of 2020, according to a Household Pulse Survey from the Census Bureau. Previous estimates had shown that parents had selected this option at increasing rates between 1999 and 2012, when homeschooling plateaued and remained steady at about 3.3% of children. The pandemic, school closures nationwide, and some parents seeing the racialized and sexualized classroom curricula have changed this statistic significantly.... (more)

March 25, 2021
NEWSMAX ? The Republican-controlled Wisconsin state Assembly has authorized an investigation into the 2020 presidential election that President Joe Biden narrowly won in the state. The resolution, opposed by Democrats, was approved Tuesday. It is needed to give the investigating committee authorization if it decides to issue subpoenas to compel testimony and gather documents, said Rep. Joe Sanfelippo. He is vice-chairman of the Assembly elections and campaign committee that would conduct the probe.... (more)

March 25, 2021
KXLF-BUTTE ? In a letter published Wednesday, attorneys general from 12 states called on the CEOs of Facebook and Twitter to step up efforts to remove anti-vaccine content from their platforms. The letter, written by Connecticut AG William Tong and co-signed by 11 of his colleagues, calls on Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to take further action to de-platform those that spread misinformation about vaccines and COVID-19.... (more)

March 25, 2021
Show 'armed forces are to be integrated into the Biden racialist agenda'
BOB UNRUH ? Warning of a sudden new threat of "extremism" from the right, the Pentagon is indoctrinating military service members in a program "packed with progressive ideology and misstatements about the Constitution," according to former Department of Justice lawyer J. Christian Adams.... (more)

March 25, 2021
Levine has refused to condemn genital amputations for minors
LIFE SITE NEWS ? The U.S. Senate voted 52 to 48 Wednesday to confirm Pennsylvania Health Secretary Richard "Rachel" Levine, a man "identifying" as a woman, to be assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for the Biden administration. Every Democrat voted in favor of Levine, joined by liberal, pro-abortion Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine.... (more)

March 24, 2021
PJ MEDIA ? In the wake of the Monday night shooting at a grocery store in Colorado, the woke left immediately took to social media to proclaim the shooter as a "white man" and no doubt a "white supremacist." Had they just waited to for the facts to come out, they would have learned that the shooting did not fit their preferred narrative, as the shooter has been identified as 21-year-old Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, a Muslim.... (more)

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