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Tuesday, March 30th, 2021

Second Amendment in the Firing Line

Ron Paul, MD

Would You Please Remove Your Mask While Talking to Me?

Allan Stevo

The ‘Unvaccinated’ Question

CJ Hopkins

Do You Believe in Magic?

James Howard Kunstler

New York’s Covid Vaccine Passport Makes No Sense

Paul Craig Roberts

Undeniable Fact: Carbon Dioxide Is NOT a Pollutant, But a Giver of Life

Robert W. Felix

Here Comes the Bretton Woods Choo-Choo

Doug Casey

The January 6 Prosecutions Hit a Speed Bump

Clarice Feldman

2021 Genesis GV80

Eric Peters

If He Aims To Stay Relevant, Trump Must Stop Living in the Past and Focus on Biden’s Screw-Ups, Because There Will Be Plenty of Them

Micah Curtis

RFK, Jr. to Rutgers President: Covid Vaccine Mandate Violates Federal Law

Children’s Health Defense

Senate Meets AG Nominee; Treats Her Like Lethal Poison

Jon Rappoport

LRC Blog

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