Hi Friend,

We have a public health crisis, a humanitarian crisis, and a national security crisis at the southern border.
Yet, the Biden administration refuses to acknowledge it as a crisis; instead, they are choosing to call it a “challenge,” and are blocking the media from even visiting the border to shine light on the crisis that’s worsening by the day.
So much for transparency.
Here’s what we know so far and need to stop:
  • Since Biden became president, illegal immigration has surged to over 100,000 people per month; March numbers are expected to reach 150,000
  • Currently, there are over 10,000 migrants in custody; the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol considers 6,000 people in custody a crisis
  • Nearly 90% of migrants who cross the border are held in custody and later released into the U.S.; it’s as open a border policy as you can get
  • Border patrol officers report being “overwhelmed” 
  • Migrants are being housed in pens, in extremely close quarters, with limited ventilation; which are the perfect conditions for a COVID superspreader if there ever was one
  • Detention centers that were designed to hold 250 people are holding over 1,800 people—729% of its capacity
  • In some areas, 10% of migrants are testing positive for COVID-19
  • “Business is booming” for human traffickers and drug cartel members; they are responsible for a majority of migrants coming over, as they’re using our open border to traffic in drugs and sex workers 
  • Border Patrol has already thwarted over 5,000 pounds of fentanyl this year, in addition to apprehending over 120 gang members 
This is a crisis on all fronts. And it’s worsening by the day. 
Yet, President Biden is turning a blind eye to the threats our communities face from the potential rise in COVID-19 and its variants, opioids, human trafficking, and even gang and sexual violence.
Independent Women’s Forum has been leading the effort to raise awareness of these dangers and provide solutions to stop the damage. But we need your help.
It’s time to take back our country and stop the siege at the southern border.
Invest in Independent Women’s Forum before our EOQ 1 deadline.
Heather R. Higgins